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Daystate Huntsman Classic


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My mate has just purchased a Daystate huntsman combo brand new from a shop it came with a Hawk eclipse scope.


He expected the set up to arrive ready zerod but when we tried it it was shooting low and right by alot. We zerod the scope in so that it was grouping well.


He got the gun out the nexd day shot at a target and the rifle was shooting to the right agian by over a foot??? He has not banged or droped the gun.


He has also noticed that there is some play between the barrel band and the shrouded barrel. Is this normal???


We have tried to rezero the scope and it seems to be on the max left adjustment but it is still shooting right.??


Any advice graitfully received.


Kipper :rolleyes:

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Gently tighten up the barrel band fitting and the scope mounts - but not so much that you strip the threads!!!


I had the same problem with my XS78 when I first got it and resolved it by properly tightening everything up

Edited by amateur
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Thanks for your replies and advice chaps. :lol:


He has been on the phone to Daystate this morning and the slight movement between the shrouded barrel and the barrel band is normal. :yes:


He came up tonight and wound the windage out to its max = 400 clicks :good: and then back in to 200 clicks = half way on the scope. so hopefully tomorrow we can start from scratch and get it zerod.


Thanks again ;)



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