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how many people can be supervised on a SGC


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Generally the law says that unless you have a license you cannot be in possession of a gun.


But to allow for new people to get experience and training there are a couple of exemptions that apply to UK residents.


1. You can use a gun at a clay ground of other facility that has an 11.6 exemption from the local police.


2. You can use the occupiers of lands gun, on that land in the presence of the occupier. The intent of the law is one on one supervision I think you will find.


It is worth checking with your FLD what they consider to be an occupier, is it a owner or farming tenant, owner of the shooting rights, lease holder of the shooting rights or simply someone who has verbal permission to shoot (I think the last one is pretty unlikely)


Hope that helps


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Generally the law says that unless you have a license you cannot be in possession of a gun.


But to allow for new people to get experience and training there are a couple of exemptions that apply to UK residents.


1. You can use a gun at a clay ground of other facility that has an 11.6 exemption from the local police.


2. You can use the occupiers of lands gun, on that land in the presence of the occupier. The intent of the law is one on one supervision I think you will find.


It is worth checking with your FLD what they consider to be an occupier, is it a owner or farming tenant, owner of the shooting rights, lease holder of the shooting rights or simply someone who has verbal permission to shoot (I think the last one is pretty unlikely)


Hope that helps



Thanks David


Thought that might have been the case...just pays to ask just to be sure


All the best



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hi ,i phoned basc in england and scotland reguarding taking an unlicenced

friend out on the land were we have the shooting rights through a syndicate

and was told unless the lease is in my name i cant do it as the lease is in no single

persons name theres 3 or 4 members who take there son out could be breaking the

law so be careful

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There is a common misconception that if you have a SGC you can take out non-license holders and lend them a gun.


This is not actually legal except under the two exemptions in the Fire-arms act, both of which a very specific.


A shooting ground or area of land can be issued with a section 11.6 permit. This allows non-license holders to shoot under supervision. Note however, that this supervision needs to be by the named person on the 11.6 certificate or their delegate. If you just roll up to a clayshoot with your non-licensed mates and accompany them on a round without the knowledge and permission of the 11.6 permit holder, you are breaking the law. The 11.6 holder is responsible for the novice's behavior and safety and may not wish to approve you as the supervisor, preferring a coach or reliable club member looking after the squad.


Similarly, you can be lent the landowners gun and shoot in their presence. Use some-one else's gun, or be supervised by some-one else, and the non-certificate holder is illegally handling the gun.

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