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How do you determine fixed choke size ?


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Hi all , i am currenty restoring an old zaballa shotgun, kind of project as i am off work with a gubbed back...questions are ...how do you determine the size of a fixed choke ?...and secondly the gun will not close with snap caps...or used cartridges for that matter...i have had the thing in bits trying to work out why....cleaned to within an inch of its life all metal work and action parts now sparkling clean and greased in appropriate places...but still wont close with caps or carts...dry fires perfectly ...may be as some sort of consolation a beautiful piece of wood has been uncovered, on the stripping of the multiple coats of what i think is boat varnish...will look the mutts nuts with a few dozen coats of tru oil ..!!! any answers on above questions greatly appreciated ....merry xmas to you an your familys..

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Take it to your gunshop and ask them to measure it, they will use a bore comparitor and should do it FOC. He will measure the barrel diameter then the diameter at the muzzle, 10 thou difference is 1/4 choke, 20 thou is 1/2 and 40 thou is Full (no difference is cylinder.)


Have you checked there are no foreign bodies between the extractor faces and the barrels, wouldn't take much?

Edited by JRDS
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