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Slightly opaque film for glasses


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I have issues with eye dominance that means I currently shoot with a stupid patch over my glasses! This means that I "lose the benefit" of my left eye completely as you cannot see through the patch at all. does anyone know of any decent semi-opaque film that I could cover my left lense with.... not see thru enough to ensure my right eye stays dominant, but able to at least see something thru the left lense? It would also stop me from looking such a **** with this eye patch.... & getting the **** ripped out of me!


if anyone uses anything.... or knows anyone who does..... could they let me know where they get it from??

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thanks for the response webber..... re. uni dot, that seems to be the same as easy hit, which didn't sort it. I'll have a look on the net for magic dot.


nickbeardo..... yeah was thinking of scotch tape... just wanted to know whether there was anything a little more permanent. Someone told me about a film that does onto the lense of your glasses, is semi permanent as you make it wet, set it & it sticks, but when submerged in water again will come off..... it has various grades of transparency/opaqueness...... but don't know its name or who manufactures it!

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