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Interesting articles.. from the independent


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A couple of interesting article. Frequently the media in particular the more left wing such as independent (and guardian which is still very much against us). From what it looks like we have the Sun, Times, Telegraph, Independent on our side or impartial, these are the papers I sometimes read. The Scotsman which I sometimes read online also seems on our side. BBC of course isn't and it's a HUGE organisation which is a stumbling block.


"LACS says there are 2,000 estates and farms in Britain involved in rearing and shooting between 25 and 36 million game birds, such as pheasant and grouse, every year."


Makes it sound like they are thinking that grouse are reared. On one of the anti websites a while back I remember seeing a photograph of a redleg and underneath it read "A slain pheasant". Some of their comments are badly researched, but they are sure as hell getting their comments and "estimated statistics" out there, which are just guesses. They are also careful in their wording, to make it sound as bad as possible.


"he LACS says there are 2,000 estates and farms in Britain involved in rearing and shooting between 25 and 36 million game birds, such as pheasant and grouse, every year. Of these, they say, only 12 million are shot by paying customers - others die of disease, are killed on roads or are eaten by predators."


And animal Aid say:


"We estimate that only a quarter of all the birds reared are actually eaten - the others either die before the shoots or are shot and then buried. It's revolting."


Which is clearly rubbish, given that all the birds are eaten, it just may not be by humans. I have never come accross evidence of a shoot that buries gamebirds, if there are such shoots (could it be anti propaganda which has been repeated so much it has become engrained and even we think there must be some sick ****'s who are doing this.).


Don't bother arguing with an anti, argue with those who have no opinion on the subject. Arguing with an anti is frustrating as often they are so engrained in their view it is impossible to change them - that said if you can convert them (and it is possible) they can be powerful allies.



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Interesting bit in the first article about not going after other field sports such as shooting. Now they've got a ban on hunting with dogs they'll have nothing else to do so I will be the first to say they do.


We must remember there are two types of anti's - those such as the RSPCA who I genuinely believe will leave it now - and the soap dodgers with nothing better to do who see all forms of killing animals as bad and will just make a menace because it is something to do in between collecting their weekly giro.


Really gets my heckles up :<


Roll on the European Court of Human Rights.

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