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Nice one! :rolleyes:


Looks like you're having more luck than me. I've had a disastrous doe season this year - the deer have become almost entirely nocturnal on our ground and it's proving impossible to get on them. They are gone way before sunrise, and out long after sunset. :ninja:

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its well out of the way places o usualy shoot alex and iv shot them at the most unusal times there..its sappling trees that cover the area and they seem to wander around at will...do you get many walkers in your area mate?


Not so much walkers, but we suspect it might have something to do with the estate keeper. He is very active in his vermin control.... and also takes pigeon shooters etc round. We have also bumped into people with birds of prey he has given permission to as well so goodness only knows how many other people are around when we aren't there.


It's easy to point the blame on something else though :rolleyes: at the end of the day it's up to us to meet the cull. I'm going to change tactics and try a portable high seat at various places within the woods where I have found runs and try and ambush them on their way out just before dark. If they are coming out just after dark, hopefully they will pass the seat just BEFORE dark!

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