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Stripping Shotgun Barrel


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Just curious as to what I should do about my latest acquisition. Its an O/U Lanber 12g and I got it for £100. The only problem is that the barrel has been spray painted using a matt plastikote type paint. It was done as a quick fix because the previous owner did not have the time to reblue it. Tonight I tried to take my dremel to it with a steel brush fitting. It was stripping the paint and blueing off, but I am now picking bits of steel out of my head, neck, fingers and legs lol.


I would like to find a quicker way to remove all of the spray and blueing so that I am left with bare metal. It is my intention to fix the gun up by reblueing and refinishing the stock, just to make it look nice. It will still be a rough gun, but if it goes wrong it's not as if I'll be out of pocket too much. Was thinking either nitromors, cellulose thinners or brake fluid?


I'd appreciate your input and advice. Don't want to mess the whole thing up!!! Cheers, Danny

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:innocent: I'd certainly go for a liquid stripper rather than anything thats going to remove the paint by griding it off. Nitromors is pretty effective on most things - being strong caustic stuff its worth wearing safety goggles and I'd watch those little flicks of the brush - you'll soon know where its landed if on skin. I did an old AYA side by side some years ago and re-blued the barrel after washing it well in solvent (turps and meths) to remove any oil. Its worth taking time on removing oil to remove any streaks in bluing. I then just topped up the blue with an off the shelf mix by applying washing off after a while (cant remember how long) and re-applying until I got an ok finish.

Good luck

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