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new to shooting


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hi im quite new to shooting, looking for a half decent gun dont want to spend alot as ive got a baby on the way, so wont be able to go every week, just looking to kill small vermin, ie rabbits, squrriels etc any help much appriciated £200-£250 max i think second hand woul be condsidered thanks in advance

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im new myself - sorry if u were hoping for an expert to reply but it seems no-one has! in my very limited experience, like with most things, whats most important is is experience, practise, knowledge etc. an experienced shooter will have a lot more success with a bog-standard gun than a newbie will manage with the best gun in the world. when yr at the bottom of the ladder the first step is just to get a gun, any gun. and then take it from there. u wont be popping rabbits at 30 yards anytime soon with any gun - u need to get experience and u can do that with any gun that isnt a complete piece of ****. maybe in a year or two u might wanna think about getting a better quality gun but until then u wont even know what u want from it

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For £200 - £250 you could get weirauch, bsa or air arms springer with scope and bag as willbick said it's all down to experience. Go to your local gunshop and have a feel of the different guns as if the gun you want is too heavy then you won't want to use it. Practice on targets at different ranges once you have zeroed it in to work out whether to aim high or low.

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Hi Alan


I can only echo what has been said above. Go to your local gunshop and see , hold and if possible , fire any in your price range. You will get some good secondhand rifles for that price range. But keep your eyes on the for sale section on here. I have just bought a Weihrauch HW77K for £169 with scope. If you find one , do a search on here to see what people say about them, worked for me ! But Weihrauch, BSA and Air Arms TX200 seem to get good reviews !!




Col :good:

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Walt tha wants get thisen a second hand BSA lightening, Air Arms tx200, BSA meteor Mk6, BSA supersport, Webley xocet, Webley longbow or a second hand Weihrauch. Maybe a Weihrauch HW57. Now I know how much you are looking at spending I will keep an eye out on airgunbbs and in the for sale section on here.

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