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What were they?


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I just remembered somthing i saw last summer and wondered if anyone had an answer!

i was shooting on hot summers day and shot two young woodies, they both had these green/blue fly things on em! very weird, there were only a couple that emerged from under the wings! does anybody know what they are? they were about the size of a house fly but a pale blue grey!



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I just remembered somthing i saw last summer and wondered if anyone had an answer!

i was shooting on hot summers day and shot two young woodies, they both had these green/blue fly things on em! very weird, there were only a couple that emerged from under the wings! does anybody know what they are? they were about the size of a house fly but a pale blue grey!




i have seen those before - a young woody was in the garden - it was ill i think- allowed me to catch it, off the greenhouse, before i knew it i had these horrible bloody things running all over my hands, in the fright i dropped it, and one of my dogs who had been watching the proceedings was on it in a second, i have always wondered what those things are. i looked on wikipedia- but the only flat flies dont appear to inhabit europe??

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