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Pigeon Shooting Equipment help

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I'm new to pigeon shooting and I'm looking to get some gear to get myself started.

First question is 'What pigeon decoys shall I get, flocked or not?'

Secondly 'How many should I get?' and 'What's a good price for a set?'

Also is there any other important equipment that I'll need?


Hope you guys can help, I'm sure you can.


Many thanks

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allo mate, definatly get the flock coated ones as the unflocked ones tend to shine or glint in the sun when wet (although i did use the unflocked ones for a long time before the flocked ones came out and they did work but things improve). You can expect to pay around £40 for a set of 10 that come with plastic sticks but for an extra tenner you can get the e-z wobblers that provide much needed movement. That should get you going, but you could also invest in a couple of bouncers(bout £15 each) and a pack of cradles (£20). To save money you can make a couple of landers from your cradles by joining some gardening wire to them to hold the wings up. There's lots of other items you could get like, a magnet,flappers, angels but where do you stop, hope that's of help, cheers jon

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