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April Fools


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You could come into the office holding an envelope filled with an unknown powder.. Telling everyone you had found this by the front door.. Then collapse to the floor as you open the thing.. Choking and gasping sound affects work very well :sick:

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The anthrax one seems good, but I want something quite subtle... Having said that, we have a mannequin at work - I quite like the idea of using that. Luckily I work in a very easy going office, and providing that the boss is in an OK mood, should be able to get away with anything - but ideally I'd like to remain anonymous and leave people wondering who did it.

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Going back about 20 years ago my uncle was a lorry driver for a company in droitwich. I was just a nipper and used to go along with him for a ride out all over the country, We used to always depart at 5am usually still quiet cold and dark and there used to be another driver called roland an old **** without any sense of humour who was a complete 'A' hole who used to go snitching to my uncles boss that I was going out in the lorry and get him into trouble.


I had a school fancy dress at the time and went as a werewolf the costume was made from real skins and it was a rubber mask that was really realistic even the teachers commented what a freakily real looking costume it was

So a couple of days later my uncle was round at my house bringing my dad some bricks for an extension he was building and I showed him the costume. His eyes lit up and he said you should wind roland up with that it would be hilarious

Anyway monday morning came and at 4.30 am we were driving to the works at droitwich, I put the costume on on the way and we parked just down the road from the depot and I went on foot into the yard and waited. About 10 minutes later a car pulled into the yard and roland walked across the carpark and got into his lorry, he started the engine and as he did i started to walk across in front of him and all of a sudden the headlights came on and I held my claws up in front of my face like a "werewolf caught in the headlights" and then I ran off out of the yard

i ran back up the road and got back into the car where we then drove into the yard a couple of minutes later to find roland sat in his cab screaming "DONT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR THERES A CREATURE LOOSE" (what a numpty!) we walked up to the car and we could honestly smell that the bloke really had crapped himself and was honestly admitting that he had also!

To this day he still doesnt know it was us and I bet he still has nightmares!! :sick:

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