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Simple explanation and the scientific of a nissan 4x4 system

Salop Matt

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Okay folks I fairly regularly drive a nissan patrol 4ltr deisel manual off road.


I understand in very simple terms the following functions, but can any of you go into some more depth of how they work and the circumstances that they should be used in etc ?


These areas are:


4 Wheel High:


4 Wheel Low:


Front differential lock (on the hubs):


Rear Diff ( electrical from inside) :


Electric stabaliser bar ( this area most importantly):


Cheers :blush:

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4 wheel high - when off road on loose surfaces where grip begins to fail or driving in snow on any surface


4 wheel low - when negotiating hills - decent or ascent. when pulling a heavy load from a stand especially on a slightly slippy surface where throttle control needs to be more precise in order to reduce the chance of spinning the wheels


Rear difflock - when in either 4wd mode and wheels start to slip no matter what is done to prevent it


Front manual difflock - probably only in extreme cases where you have next to no grip and are unable to proceed.


in 4WL with both the diffs locked, you really shouldnt get stuck providing you have good tyres and ground clearance. when you do, its time to buy a defender. :blush:



as for the electronic stabiliser bar I have no idea - its probably a road driving device used for making the vehicle handle better when being driven normally on the road.

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in 4WL with both the diffs locked, you really shouldnt get stuck providing you have good tyres and ground clearance. when you do, its time to buy a defender. :w00t:



To date this vehicle has never been stuck but has twice rescued defenders and regularly passes them when they get bogged down but that could be down to there drivers ! :no:

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