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Armalon AL42


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I would love to own an enfield based rifle in .223, and this appears to be one. However, as far as accuracy is concerned over foxing distances, would this be any good, ive no knowledge of the target shooting its designed for and what the demands on it from that would be, a different rate of twist for example? http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=6&...941&page=61 sorry about the paragraphs, my enter key doesnt work! but its on the above page, it seems tof have been modded out a little, would it be possible to put a moderator on it? its most of the way down the page, and its fact sheet is on the next, it has a 1:200mm twist rate but i downt quite know what that means, any opinion appreciated! Thanks h.

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Sorry about the crappy post everyone, my laptop has totally given up the ghost, both the enter and return keys are shot, so any spelling mistakes or paragraphs are rendered impossible to remedy! if anybody knows anything about these rifles i would really appreciate your opinion, these are obviously quite differente from a tikka or other normal bolt action rifle and are built to a different spec, would buyinge one for foxing be sticking my neck out a little? thanks H.

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That Armalon's 1:8" twist highlights that it's set up for target shooting with 77-80gr Bergers. It will struggle to stabilise the lighter (40-55gr) expanding bullets commonly used for foxing work.


It's an elegant rifle, so just specify a 1:12" twist if you choose to buy.

Edited by Baldrick
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It's common for most .223 foxing rifles, assuming the rifle is fed 50gr ammunition. Some people prefer to push lighter bullets at faster speed (requiring a slower twist), conversely some Shots use heavier bullets. The two .223s I've had both had 1:12 twists, which suited me well.


I personally would not buy a glamorous Armalon for dedicated foxing work though, as it will inevitably get bashed about in your truck (that cantilevered mounting rail shown on the Armalon doesn't look particularly robust).


Something with a laminate or synthetic stock will shrug off the abuse far better. There was a Winchester M70 (in .223, if I recall) in stainless/synthetic in the racks at Eastern Sporting last week. That might be worth you investigating further?

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aha, youre quite right really, it does look like something to have copious care lavished upon it, that wood work does look like it wouldnt appreciate being thrown about in the dark, and itd be viscously expensive too, so perhaps when im older........ You suggested that M70? i havent seen winchesters often mentioned, are they good guns? i didnt realise many people had thenn id thought a second hand tikka would do the job if i could find one, because i really am looking for a reliable budget, throw in the back of the jeep gun, would the m70 fulfill both thosee requirements?, that armalon is interesting though, i saw it in the back ogf somne speciale firearms guide in gun mart the other month, and thought itd be wortth looking up, im fascinated by enfields and there derivatives, but dont really see the practicallityf of a .303 art the moment...... again, sorry about the lack of grammar, spelling and paragraphs........... h

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It is imperative that you stop reading Gun Mart, Horrocks. It will rot your brain. It is a rag for the type of people who fantasise about all things 'practical tactical', and own Realtree underpants and lots of combat knives. Magazines like Sporting Shooter and Sporting Rifle are a little more grounded, although they're hardly brilliant, original and insightful writing.


Anyway, back on topic: Winchester makes decent rifles for day-to-day working use. They are tough, accurate and dependable - what more do you need? The one problem is that it doesn't appear to come in .223. http://www.winchesterguns.com/prodinfo/cat...15&cat=001C

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Haha! brilliant!, it has got an awful lot of ******** in it that is for sure, but i bought it merely to see if i could sell my air rifle before i went to NZ i assure you! And now i only feel shame for my eyes being drawn to such brain rotting material...... i did find rather a lot of it to be hugely overpriced though, especially that sportsman gun centre thing, who id do they think they are? again, thanks for the advice baldrick, i rather need to look into this 223 question further, a friend is getting a tikka shortly, so i;ll have a good look at that.... from what ive seen their very able guns, and mid-market? over all, gun and scope, i wouldnt want to be spending more than 1000, if that... ill have to speak to eastern sporting and perhaps abridge, and ask them to flag me up when a good 223 comes in, so i can have a good look in the flesh....H. by the way, this has caused me significant embarrassment baldrick, practical-tactical? im ashamned, i feel like withdrawing from society, doing a mrs havisham........

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You won't be at all disappointed with a Tikka T3 in .223. I had one in the Varmint Stainless format, which was one of the most accurate rifles I've ever shot. I sold it only because I got fed up with lugging a heavy-barreled rifle around.


I like the Miss Havisham comment though...

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why thankyou baldrick, i dont guite know how to take that though, you like the idea of me doing a mrs havisham? or just like the comment? i wonder? you have put up wth me schoolboy questions for rather a while, id understand if you were fed up!......... i put it in becauser i thought our new bloody miserable poet laureatte might appreciate it, she wouldnt be too far wrong in doing a mrs havisham in my opinion, bloody awful miserable woman, tyhat kind of story appeals to her

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I wasn't implying that you should do a 'Miss Havisham'. It would instead be much more satisfying to learn that the editor of Gun Mart had gone completely nuts and then burned himself death in a freak accident a la Miss Havisham, wracked with guilt about the dross his magazine inflicted on the British shooting community.

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When anyone first gets their FAC they have a hankering for something ultimate force clink click special combat tactical.... in black or cammo only.


I wasted a small fortune on a Southern gun company ar15 which was a pile of ****e. Lesson learned and time has passed.


Get something reliable, well known and that you won't cry over if you dent it. That is if you intend to use it.


Obviously if you want to stroke it and dress it with all manner of add ons (laser sights, stock sleeves to hold those bullets [just in case you go out in a dress with no pockets ??!?!] scopes with a million turrets and dials and flip up covers) then it's off to the BBS forum for you my lad.

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No need to take the **** mungler, that isnt a dress-up AR15, just a potentially rather good enfield based bolt-action rifle, i have no hankering for a southern gun co. creation, and never have, bolt-actions are absolutely fine by me.......



PigeonSpecial Posted Today, 06:52 PM

If you want to play with plastic stocked guns made of cheap pressings join the forces... laugh.gif


We are talking about the armalon enfield .223 here, not the ones above it which look pretty horrible....

Edited by Horrocks
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I have a stock mounted ammo holder.They are very useful for my blind magazine savage because

1/I can get the rifle and ammo out of the cabinet,put the ammo in the holder and not leave it on the bed

2/ I can have 9 rounds on the rifle and not have to fumble around in my pockets

3/my dpm goretex doesnt have any pockets

4/the rounds dont pick up any fluff,biscuit crumbs and string that would be in my pockets

5/If I had any

6/you can put the fired cases somewhere easily

7/which is good when you're on a golf course

8/you can reload from it without disturbing your firing position

9/9 rounds is enough for me doing a foxing session

9/and I want to look like a sniper.

:good: :look: :yes::lol:

My scope has flip up covers and turrets,does that mean I'm in the SAS as well?

Dont get me started on my bipod!!!!

Edited by marky123
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No need to take it to heart Mr Horrocks! Wasn't meant as a **** take!


Dear Mr Pigeon Special, Esq

I'm terribly sorry. I wasnt refering to your comment, but munglers.....

And if i over reacted, it was because i'd just heard carol anne duffy on radio 4 and was feel unstable/borderline homicidal....


My sincerest apologies...

Mr Horrocks

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