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what happens when idiots get hold of air rifles


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hey guy's i feel like im getting to now u now and fell safe to tell you this


today i went down my mates mum to give her 2 bottles of juice, my dads is a milkman:rolleyes: and i get them for her anyway on the way back i thought i might as well go up the downs and have a nice ride around so there a road/lane about 1 mile long to get to the downs. there these two boys who must of been around 12 -13 shooting in a little field anyway they take a shot at a little crow (there a thread about shooting them on her) hit the poor thing *** and it falls on the road in front of me(well that how I think it happened), I skid to a stop and he still its still alive, I look up and the kids have run off so I shout to them u going to finish him off then and I get **** off u w***** :angry: :angry:.so I have a look at him to see if I should , and can see his wing is broke so I decided to put him out of his misery :yes: (didnt now what ealse to do) , I stamped on his head.


anyway I look his body over and the pellet head hit his leg broke it near the body then kept going and went through the wing. I put him in a hedge and have a ride around to see if I can find them I couldn't thou I felt a bit sick tbh and came home thought id tell u guys and wondering what I should do about it if anything :oops::D

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All to many stupid kids with air rifles these days. I remember when i was just walking down the street at about the age of 13 myself and some idiot thought it appropriate to shoot at me through his window. Good job he couldn't shoot straight :(

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