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ferret in season

rabbit killer

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Hi, you will need advice from some of the other ferret keepers on here, but you should either get a gill jabbed to bring her out of season, or find a vasectomised hob to do the deed but without the resultant pregnancy.


If you don't there is, i believe a, good chance that it can kill the gill, or at least make her very unwell.


Hav'nt been keeping ferrets long myself so don't know all the ins and outs but a few good books would be useful for reference.

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As you might of noticed your jill now has a massive fanny. The problem with a gaping maw such is this is that not only prone to infection, but there are several horomonal things that won't happen intill someone see's to her, and this can leave her very unwell after a while, and it is possible for the jill to die.


You have several opitions.


Jill Jab


Go to the vets, they will inject your ferret that will put her out of season. This needs to be done every time she comes into season, and costs around £30.


Vasectomied hob


Find a half-male hob, and get him to do the buiness - they'll both end up with big smiles, she'll come out of heat, and you won't have any kits.


Do it yourself


Been told by more than one old boy that in the days before ferret vasectomies, they used to please her with a cotton bud for 5 mintues, and this'll do the job - wouldn't recommend it though.

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