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The scene is set.......I have a free shoot on a Farm....GREAT so far!!

Me and one of my lads set up 11 good quality Pigeon Decoys on a baron bit of field which has Rape seed growing....We have an excellent hide in the bushes around 15-20 Metres away......We are both wearing full Greens with a mix of good Camo thrown in for good measure........WHY THEN AFTER AN HOUR NOT ONE BIRD COMES DOWN :lol:?

Now when we first get there aroung 50 fly up in a large flock and scatter into adjoining fields........But only a few ever come back, and those that do fly directly over the Decoys?:yes:


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are you in flight parhs and at the moment the pigeons are sat on eggs and ant feeding much this time of year best spent learning your permission sit high point with binocs and watch far flight lines find what crops are planted and where they are will pay better divs when harvesting starts

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See thats what keeps us pigeon shooters interested you can never no what they are going to do and that is half the fun of them . for me watching them feeding and flying is the most important thing where they coming from where are they landing to feed this will put you in the spot with the best chance around me they are feeding well again after things being a bit slow . A bit of movement might help in your patten and knowing what else there is around you for them to feed on ,the time of day you go is important as well . Dont give up hope and have another go but first look at what they are doing and then plan your attack good luck !



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You haven't said what sort of pattern you laid out? Have you taken the wind direction into account? Are the birds coming closer then jinking away (they have seen something they don't like) or are they just continueing their flight line (they just simply aint interested)?


Movement is a good tip like others have said. If a magnet is out of your budget, some wobblers to make your existing decoys bobble about are very good and you can pick 10 up for less than a tenner. A bouncer for around £20 is also very good.


Unfortunately there is no guarantee that anything will work, be ready to change the pattern around and try different things. Look at the sponsors site for patterns and set ups if you are unsure. SOmetimes though you can do all the right things and they just won't play....

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The scene is set.......I have a free shoot on a Farm....GREAT so far!!

Me and one of my lads set up 11 good quality Pigeon Decoys on a baron bit of field which has Rape seed growing....We have an excellent hide in the bushes around 15-20 Metres away......We are both wearing full Greens with a mix of good Camo thrown in for good measure........WHY THEN AFTER AN HOUR NOT ONE BIRD COMES DOWN :good:?

Now when we first get there aroung 50 fly up in a large flock and scatter into adjoining fields........But only a few ever come back, and those that do fly directly over the Decoys?:yes:



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Also bear in mind that at this time of year food is plentiful and (more importantly) a lot of the birds are the oldest and wisest birds around ( remember they are just re-commencing their breeding cycle now and many are sitting on eggs). In other words they've seen it all before. Also with the abundance of high pressure present at the moment this also makes them much harder to bring down. Keep at it.

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The scene is set.......I have a free shoot on a Farm....GREAT so far!!

Me and one of my lads set up 11 good quality Pigeon Decoys on a baron bit of field which has Rape seed growing....We have an excellent hide in the bushes around 15-20 Metres away......We are both wearing full Greens with a mix of good Camo thrown in for good measure........WHY THEN AFTER AN HOUR NOT ONE BIRD COMES DOWN :lol:?

Now when we first get there aroung 50 fly up in a large flock and scatter into adjoining fields........But only a few ever come back, and those that do fly directly over the Decoys?:lol:




They won't come down if theres nothing for them to eat- would you?:sly:


Les :good:

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