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Winchester sx3


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Took a stroll into me local gunsmiths today to get a bit of info on rifles as i've just dropped in for me FAC ticket and whilst havin a mooch around i was quite taken with the Winchester sx3 in camo, at the moment i've got an older B80 but would'nt mind something in camo as i just cant get enough of bashing the old blackie's :lol: , it looked well put together and 825 for a new one :good: .


So does anyone have one and are they much cop, it would only be pigeon and crow so no need for lighter cartridges creating cycling probs. Anyway any advice would be appreciated.

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Took a stroll into me local gunsmiths today to get a bit of info on rifles as i've just dropped in for me FAC ticket and whilst havin a mooch around i was quite taken with the Winchester sx3 in camo, at the moment i've got an older B80 but would'nt mind something in camo as i just cant get enough of bashing the old blackie's :lol: , it looked well put together and 825 for a new one :good: .


So does anyone have one and are they much cop, it would only be pigeon and crow so no need for lighter cartridges creating cycling probs. Anyway any advice would be appreciated.


I own one, bought one as soon as they were launched in the UK around 18 months ago.


Excellent handling although primarily a wildfowling gun

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Bought a new SX3 5 shot last week. Mine's a Field version though with walnut rather than camo.




So far have used it with 28g/ 32g and 50g - have cycled them all fine, even if mixed in the mag. No problems with it straight out of the box from Belgium. Cost £794 from the guys at Adenbourne Field Sports and took about 2 weeks to arrive as a special order (due to being FAC spec).


Recoil even with 50g loads is minimal. With 28g is very smooth.


Overall - Would recommend it :good:



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