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Last weekend went to two farms to ask for permission to shoot. I got blown out over one and the other was unsure but took my number.


Just had a phone call to say that they don't have a problem with rats but would I be interested in shooting rabbits! :lol::lol: :thumbs:

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Last weekend went to two farms to ask for permission to shoot. I got blown out over one and the other was unsure but took my number.


Just had a phone call to say that they don't have a problem with rats but would I be interested in shooting rabbits! :o :D:rolleyes:

Nice one!


It may be worth mentioning a range of quarry that you would like to help pest control, when asking for land permission, rather than just one type.





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Went out last night at around 7:30. I'm starting to realise the downside of 12ftlb air rifles. Though I got one mature doe from 30yrds which spun once and ran 2 yrds before it realised it was dead and I got another that managed to sprint into brambles so I couldn't reach it.


Loads of fun, beautiful night. :rolleyes:


Then I went to my mates house who has probs with rats in the garden. I spent an hour there with a huge garden light on. I bagged 3 Rats, the biggest was as long as the buissiness end of a spade excluding the tail!


Out of interest when my friend told me they can squeal and jump about lots I thought he was joking. That was until I hit the third one which sqealed like a banshee danced around the garden, did a couple of 4ft back flips before it went down. I guess it didn't like .22 RWS super domes.



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I agree with the above, but I would appreciate a flatter trajectory and a more powerful hit. Yes I can place a pellet at 30yrds within an half inch of where I want. Its just that I would like to worry less about wether its 26yrds or 36yrds. Also I would like to know that if I was a little out that I could take it down without it suffering, not to make me lazy but just as insurance. The first large bunny went down within 2 yrds of where it was hit with little more than a drop of blood spilt. :o


I will get better, but at the moment I'm on a very steep learning curve and I am having to lean by what I can read and do. :rolleyes:


Regardless, I have not had so much fun in ages. Rats the size of small cats from 12yrds was a hoot 12ftlbs is overkill. :D

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I agree with the above, but I would appreciate a flatter trajectory and a more powerful hit. Yes I can place a pellet at 30yrds within an half inch of where I want. Its just that I would like to worry less about wether its 26yrds or 36yrds.

try a .177 LOL


its flat, its fast and its hard hitting! what more do you need?LOL


(oh and its so not girly :rolleyes: )


failing that its just a matter of spending time at the range (or quiet part of shoot) working out the tragectory, chairgun program will help a lot on this if you know what power your rifle is doign (or FPS) and then is just a case of rangefinding when you got the target in your sites. and night time shooting ranges can seem to be a lot further than they acctualy are.


practise practise practise LOL


im back practising agin after spending nearly a year and a half with my set up have upgraded to a WTC 6.5-20x50 and now i have to relearn my hold over/under 6hours at the club and i still havnt got a clue where my aim points are :'(


on the up side the range finder is almost spot on :o




PS might not know my aim ppoints but i did get the 85 yard golf ball a few times 3 out of 20 shots with slight x wind

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