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Knackered bipod attachment

Al Downie

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I bought my Air Ranger 2nd hand, and it came with a bipod attached. It seemed fine at the time and I didn't think to inspect it too closely, but when it became wobbly I found that the drilled hole in the stock is too large and the threaded bolt needs a bit of paper (etc) wrapped around it to make it secure. I'd like to be able to remove the bipod frequently, so I'm wondering about trying to chisel out a hexagonal hole into which I can glue a steel nut. Anyone done this? Is it more tricky than it sounds? Will I just make an already messy job worse?

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Why try to form a hexagon?


Just get a threaded insert of the appropriate thread, drill the right-sized hole and screw it in with a little wood-glue to absolutely secure it


Threaded insert!


Sorry - just realised that I have pointed you to an American site - but it shows the method - and threaded inserts in brass or stainless are readily available in the UK

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In fact I think that's what went wrong in the first place - the allen bolt which is trying to secure the bipod has a thread designed for union with a steel bolt/socket, and the thread hasn't been deep enough to prevent damage to the wood. That's why I was thinking of inserting a steel nut, but those threaded inserts look like they'll work, and make for a tidier job.

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OK, I can visualise what you mean, I had thought you were dealing with a loose QD stud.


Why not forget about the existing arrangement and put a QD on it? Does your bipod offer that kind of attachment? They are far faster to get on and off.

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