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Clay shooting can be useful!


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Hi guys.


I had a day off work yesterday and set off for some decoying. It was a nice morning and I downed a few woodies before the weather changed for the worse.  As I was shooting near a clay pigeon range I thought I would go and shoot 100 clays.  It started off pretty poor, but made me concentrate on what I was doing wrong!  I would recommend a quick clay session to any woodie shooter - you may find you've slipped into some sloppy techniques too!



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Hiya Steve

I went for a lesson at a local clay club last year.I wanted to go to improve my shooting.During the lesson my hit ratio improved no end.What I wanted from the lesson was to know why I missed,when I did!At least now when I miss I  know whether I shot above ,behind,or whatever.I dont think the clay busting helped me much on real pigeons though.The clays came from the same place at the same speed,with people holding the gun ready.I'm glad it helps you,but to be honest it did'nt help me much on live birds!I've always found I shoot better with a snap shot.If I aim too long I miss!

                        All the best

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Hi Lazza,


I don't know if it has helped yet, I haven't been out since.  I agree that it's not realistic as you know where the clays are coming from and at what speed. It was useful to me to remind me to hold the gun properly and really concentrate on the shot.  I think I had fell into a bad habit of just pointing the gun in the general direction and expecting the bird to drop out of the sky (and we all know it doesn't work like that!).


I'll let you know if it helps on my next outing.


See you.



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I’ve got to agree with Lazza on this. I had a lesson just after Christmas and did not do to bad at all after a few pointers from the pro.  The problem I found was that when I returned to the pigeons a couple of days later I shoot like a real lemon for the first hour or so.  I went back to the way i was shooting before the lesson and my hit rate shoot right up.


Maybe it was confidence I don’t know




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