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Most Popular Air-rifle in UK

bullet boy

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Lets look at the question in another way. “ Most Popular Air-rifle in UK, What is it?.

Most people on this type of forum are serious shooter/hunters therefore we look at air rifles in a different way. For example how accurate is it, what’s the quality like, how heavy is it etc.

Most of the posts in this thread mention HW100 Air Arms BSA etc, all top end guns.

I would suggest the most “popular” air rifles around are the cheap Chinese stuff, how may of them in the back of cupboards.


Just a point of view.



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well i had the bsa lightning when it first came out and it was a good gun quite robust then i had a bsa super 10 carbine which was brill but a bit chunky and i have just bought a falcon praire bull barrel and it is the best gun i have had.


but what is great for me might not be for someone else it is a case of going to a non pushy gun shop and trying all the guns in your price range and find the best one that suits your own shooting style


cheers mike

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Lets look at the question in another way. “ Most Popular Air-rifle in UK, What is it?.

Most people on this type of forum are serious shooter/hunters therefore we look at air rifles in a different way. For example how accurate is it, what’s the quality like, how heavy is it etc.

Most of the posts in this thread mention HW100 Air Arms BSA etc, all top end guns.

I would suggest the most “popular” air rifles around are the cheap Chinese stuff, how may of them in the back of cupboards.


Just a point of view.




I agree, I think ppl miss the point and just mention their "best" gun. It's entirely likely the most popular (in sales terms) is probably some SMK or similar, but.... just because it sold the most doesn't mean their owners aren't now thinking "omg why did i buy this"



...so popular is a different question again, and I think we probably need 2, one for springers and one for PCP.


I would say that most popular in terms of widely sold and happily used thereafter is probably gonna go to Air Arms - TX200 for Springers and S410 for PCP. Like I said before when I was looking for advice on what gun to buy, those 2 kept cropping up.


Forget the fact, I didn't buy either :yes:

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