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Bags from the last few weeks


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With the silage being cut now, I have been starting rook shooting again after a quiet spell. But I was surprised to find the young rooks so wary. This time last year we shot over 250 in two outings on this particular farm, but this year had a bag of 36 and one of 22, with the shot to kills at 2:1 so it wasnt because we were missing! Dad pulled off his first left and right at magpies but we cudnt find the second on as it had landed in a corn field behind so couldnt get a photo of the two. Heres the pic of that days bag.



I also shot my second deformed rook of the year ( posted first on here under title Cross Bill Rook)


His upper beak was severly deformed and his lower part was as thin as a woodcocks... Very strange


Went out friday night as the farmer was moaning about the rabbits, he uses drop boxes alot but we still shot 22 for some very good shooting. We had just shot 3 out of three bolting bunnies when a fox cub poked his head out of the grass. I dropped him with a quick shot from the Webley and Scott semi and gave it another to make sure. It was a very healthy looking vixen which was a bonus to the night :good: the 30 gram Prima 5s i was using did a very neat job



Then on Sunday morning dad and I went out to a recently but silage field and shot 25 rooks and crows which rounded off the weekend nicely.


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