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just got myself a 3 shot auto, and i was looking at cartridges , its like a kid in a sweet shop !lol i have shot rifles for a long time and some barrel don't like


different rounds or pellets is it the same with carts some guns like different ones?? ie ,chokes :yes:

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not really (ive found anyway), tho wot kind of auto did you get? some that are recoil operated (as opposed to gas operated) can have a bit of trouble cycling lighter loads, like 28 gram 7.5's, but most should be ok, just match your cartridge to your quarry really - 32 gram 6 for pigeons/crows, 7.5's for clays, buckshot for wild boar and trees... :yes:

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franchi hunter semi-auto 12g ,i have read that most like 28g or more :yes:


mostly (99.999%) they do, sometimes, and i mean sometimes, you get a recoil operated gun (like my old benelli montefeltro) which doesnt like lighter loads and has trouble cycling them, but you should be fine, just see what happens.


what you gonna be using this gun for? clays, game shooting, what? and when it comes to chokes id advise you to just stick 1/4 choke in (might say improved cylinder) til you get used to the gun, no point confusing yourself even more by trying to work out which choke is best at what range with what cartridge :bye2:


but im sure someone else will say otherwise :good:

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