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Hi Guy's the weather was terrible up here at the weekend, thick fog on Friday(no shooting) :oops: , up early Saturday still the same so back to bed for a rare lie in. the fog finaly started to lift late afternoon but not enough to use the HMR safely so i brought this stranger from the back of the cabinet. I had a little walk about and there were quite a few bunnies about in the the bottom field, it has had livestock in for a couple of weeks and was rendered down nice, the cattle have been moved out so i found a spot half way down the bank, i set up and with zero/hold over etc checked settled in for some rabbit action, i had three rabbits and was waiting for number four when a magpie landed on the post nearby but flew off, lucky get, a couple of minutes and he was back this time landed and hopping around one of the rabbits, i was doing about 160b/min by this point (i hate Magpies) shooting slightly elevated he just hadnt seen me and stood still just to long, WACK stone dead, i think i mumbled something like cheeky ******. A few more bunnies and guess what another Magpie landed right next to his mate going crackers, needless to say i made him comfortable next to his mate, a few more rabitts and i called it a day, nice couple of hours and wont leave it so long next time for a trip out with the Rapid, :lol:


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