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Hi folks,


We're currently planning our bracken control plan for this summer using a quad mounted sprayer with a 100litre tank. My question is, how many litres of chemical should we be adding to a 100litre tank? There seems to be a big range of mix rates but i was wondering what you guys were mixing it at?


Also roughly how many litres per hectare/acre should we be applying it at? I know that on our ground this will be very difficult to keep to due to the terrain but it would help us work out how much chemical to buy. Unfortunatley helicopter spraying isn't possible due to the amount of water we have and the increased buffer zones.


Any advice greatly received.



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See the Asulox label for instructions.




I use it in a similar sprayer with a hand lance at the rate of 1 ltr Asulox to 100 ltr water and spray till just before run off.


If you are using a boom I would increase mix to 10ltr Asulox to 100ltr water per ha.





Edited by CharlieT
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See the Asulox label for instructions.




I use it in a similar sprayer with a hand lance at the rate of 1 ltr Asulox to 100 ltr water and spray till just before run off.


If you are using a boom I would increase mix to 10ltr Asulox to 100ltr water per ha.





OK. Thanks very much for the info. Gonna be a very expensive job!

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you should follow manafacturers rates,the different amounts of water it states on the label is to ensure good coverage of plants your spraying.if it,s sparse growth you can use the lesser amounts of water if it,s very dense growth you will need to spray at the higher rate to ensure good coverage.the amount of chemic you will need in the tank will depend on calibration of the quad and sprayer.

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