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Winchester Model 290 Info Please.


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Hi, I have just got hold of a Winchester Model 290 .22 Semi Automatic Rifle. I have fitted a descent scope to at as well as a SAK Moderator. I bought the gun Pre-Owned from a gun shop and am quite happy with it. It is accurate, quick and fairly well balanced but could do with a little tidying up. Can Anyone tell me where I can get hold of any information or a users manual for this rifle. Also, I am told that it is an 8 shot semi auto but when I load it with 8 shells in the tube fed magazine there seems to be quite a bit of room left so I am wondering if it is in fact a 10 shot.

Any info at all would help.

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Hi There,

Ive got one of these and I put 10 rounds in mine. It cycles every time on a diet of Winchester Lazers.

Been knocking foxes over at 100 meters plus and they dont get up!.

Can i just ask do you have to remove the mod every time you want to re-load?


Good Hunting

Pippin Pup

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Hi Mate, It's good to hear that someone else has a Model 290! In answer to your question, Yes, I do have to remove the moderator every time I want to reload. I have found though that mine will take 15 rounds in the magazine when I fully load it. Like you I am using Winchester Subsonic Super X in 40grain Hollow Points. I haven't tried a fox with it (My FEO will not authorise a .22 for fox but I have just paid for a 22-250 to deal with Charlie) but I am finding mine very accurate (For an old and cheap gun) and regularly do head shots on rabbits at 100 yards. Do you have an owners manual for it?

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