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Resin Anchor Fixings


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Hey guys, I sent off my license application and I got a cabinet and rawl bolts on the way, so fingers crossed all is on track so far.


But I was just wondering what is the exact name of the resin anchor stuff that is sometimes used to make sure of a really strong fixing?


I know their prices are sometimes a bit steep but there's a B&Q and Wickes near me so I'm going to go in there and get some of the resin anchor stuff, but I need to know what exactly to ask for so I can be sure of getting the right stuff.


Thanks again,


Edited by Trent
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Ask for Chemical anchor, I use it quite frequently, it normally comes in a stubby mastic gun size tube with a spiraled mixing nozzle, just make sure you have a quantity of each chemical coming out before you mix it, did my gun safe with it...belt and braces.. <_<

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