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Any time now you should start to see ads in the local papers/advertisers etc. offering ferrets to good homes or for sale. Be patient; although I am not from your neck of the woods i am sure there will be some about somewhere. Conversely you could try and find a ferret welfare/rescue society although I have found these organisations a bit sniffy.

Good luck.



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There is a very good ferret rescue in Coventry, had a couple of ferrets from there myself.


Be careful what you are buying from so called "breeders" though mate, I've seen some **** poor critters for sale so if you ain't sure what you are buying best take someone along with you who has a bit of experience. They live to a good old age, average maybe 8 years but I've known em last for up to 13 so you've got em for a while if you get bad uns.


Bad breeders let them inbreed and you can find all sorts of problems with them.

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