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which franchi do you have?


If it is a 48 al/ hunter series then no you don't have to take the butt stock off to pull the bolt. If I remember correctly from the last time I did mine, pull the barrel/forend/spring first. Then I think next was the trigger group (there is a punch pin). I think that was enough to let tension off the spring in the bolt.


You should be able to google and find a manual online. Shotgunworld should have one in the franchi forum.




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haven't seen that post yet, but that will do it for you. My 48-al was bought in 1983 when I was 3 and set it aside for 10 years. In that time, the original factory grease gunked up and combined with some dust that had gotten into the box (which I still have). Shortly after I started using it around 1993/4 it stopped ejecting cartridges. First it would only eject 'high brass', i.e. 36 grams at 1250 fps. Then it would only cycle the action enough to release the second cart, but not enough to eject the spent one. Then it wouldn't do either. We thought it was ejectors or something else so dad took it to the local gunsmith who couldn't do anything for it. So we put it away and it sat for another 10 years. I finally dug it out 4-ish years ago and decided to have a play. The shotgunworld forum was amazing when it came to specifics for my gun (the brand specific forums have some incredible knowledge). I pulled mine apart including the butt stock and soaked the receiver and bolt in alcohol overnight. Next day it got some cotton buds and a toothbrush cleaning. All of the dried and gummed up factory grease came out and the gun hasn't had a fault since. I will be bringing it into the country in a month and a half when I go back to the states and it will become my primary pigeon gun.


Glad to be of service.




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