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Milky does

darren m

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Eat them or not :thumbs:.


went shooting at weekend , shot some bunnies and a few woodies , bunny shots where all around the 30yard and less mark .

they all seemed a bit easy for my likeing :) , so at the end of the night on further inspection when gutting them , i found about half where milky does ( no wonder ).


The thing is i should of guessed , and i do feel a bit ****y about it :) , but its done know .

So -- was wondering who eats them and who prefers not to .


Darren .

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if you are shooting rabbits at this time of year you have to make a decision about it before you go out.chances are you are going to create some orphans, if you do not really have to shoot rabbits ( ie they are not a pest)my advice would be wait a while and sort them out later in the year, but obviously it all depends on what kind of pest they are being at the moment.


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