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Bismuth cartridges

henry d

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1x slab of 250, plus 2x boxes of 25 and 24 cartridges(total of 324) Eley 28.5gm Chairmans choice, paper cased, fibre wad, 2 1/2" No.6 Bismuth £180


S.G.C. holders only, Central Scotland at anytime, or may be able to send at cost to buyer


Sold !

Edited by henry d
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I'd take them off your hands at the asking price if you would allow my courier TNT to collect them (would entail you packing them, sticking some labels on the packaging - which I would email you, and being there for collection). Please let me know.



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I'd take them off your hands at the asking price if you would allow my courier TNT to collect them (would entail you packing them, sticking some labels on the packaging - which I would email you, and being there for collection). Please let me know.




PM sent !

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