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I've been to see a few farmers trying to get permission on some fields in my area but as soon as see that im young (19) they wont hear off it any1 else had this problem

if so whats the best way around it?............. :yes:



what are you shooting and with what :yes:


shot gun / join a local clay shoot, ask but get a rapour going first could take months.


local pub :blink: get to know the farmers in there, build up a relationship with some local folk build up trust be a good lad,


help out during silage or harvest time (dont expect to get paid)


find out what pests they have Rabbits,pigeon,rats,Fox be aware they may say kids with air rifles, be very tactfull but not rude or bolshi!!!


and remember its privalage after all they are giving you :yes:


treat them well, as well as you would like to be treated yourself and you wont go far wrong.

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