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last nights paddock shoot


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hi guys i am just back from an evenings paddock shooting on my local shoot its a large manor house

with 3 acres of paddocks with lots of copses , so the main problem being wood pigeons, bunnies, tree rats

i was out tonight with my 12g remmy 1100 shotgun and my .22 verminator airgun ,.the object this evening was to catch woodies coming into sitty trees, so i sat under a tree i know to be used by quite a few woodiies its lightly leafed enough not to use the airgun so the shotgun is used not very sporting but this is a pest control job within 20 mins i heard cooing from above me i spotted 2 woodiies close together, so i fired between them resulting in a 1st for me 2x woodies with one no-6 cartridge that put a smile on my mush, i carried on here for another hour getting another 3x woodies, I then moved down to the front drive bunnies have been digging up the lady of the house,s flower beds, so i knew where the bunnies were coming from i set up about 20 yds away under a huge pine tree that

has boughs right down to the ground, giving good cover, just sitting on my fishing stool with my .22 vermy. the 1st bunny appeared at 7-30pm, so i let it settle and 5 mins later 2x more came out, i let them all get feeding and quickly shot 2 of them with a jsb exact .22 pellet in the head, the other bunnie fled but came back 20 mins later amd joined his friends , in the next hour up to 8-35pm i got another 2x bunnies , another enjoyable evinings sport ,plus when i got home a1571 phone call a lady in a nearby village with a big rat problem around her free range chickens can i help, i,ll leave you to work out the answer to that request.

atvb brian

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