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Getting your licence

Mr Majyk

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Ok im new to this i did quite a bit of target shooting with my grandad when i was a kid but recently ive gotten back into it (the fun hasnt stopped since :lol: ) but ofcourse all ive used up until now is an air rifle (an old BSA under-lever airsporter) so a few months back i decided to take it up a notch and apply for my

co-terminus certificate, shotgun and rifle, ive been a probational member of a rifle club for three months and in late september they'll help me apply for the license. i did it the long way as i figured being a member of a rifle club would mean i had a place to practice my shooting. the only thing i worry about is the few 'black marks' against my application which is: cautioned for theft age 13 (i was a stupid kid and im twenty now and a very good boy :hmm: ) and for a short period of time i was on a small dose of citalopram for stress related anxiety (i was finishing college in chichester and commuting there four days a week from the isle of wight!) but thats the only 2 things against my application.

in short i was wondering if there were any shooters on here who have had a similar 'black mark' when they were applying and did they get there licence?

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May depend on how long ago the stress was. Shouldn't worry about the theft issue, everyone pocketed a few sweets as a boy I'm sure :hmm:


I think the fact that you have been a rifle club member and will get references from there (assuming you don't turn up wearing black clothing and declaring the wish to kill yourself) which should see you in good stead :lol:

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May depend on how long ago the stress was. Shouldn't worry about the theft issue, everyone pocketed a few sweets as a boy I'm sure :hmm:


I think the fact that you have been a rifle club member and will get references from there (assuming you don't turn up wearing black clothing and declaring the wish to kill yourself) which should see you in good stead :lol:


hahahahahahahahahahahahaha *rolls on floor* no i didnt turn up wearing black expressing the desire to kill myself


well the stress thing was up until about three months ago but im fine n' dandy now. i spoke to my fire-arms officer about it he seemed to think it might be ok so fingers crossed it'll all be gravy?

to njc110381 to start with im only really looking to get a .22 rimfire rifle for target shooting and general rabbiting and also a 12 bore for pigeon's and other small game. tho in time i'd naturally get more as im interested in trying it all. ive had alot of fun just bagging a rabbit hear n there with my air rifle so naturally im looking to try more.

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