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flappers & crows

tommy trucker

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i went out with a friend yesterday for a couple of hours armed with 1 doz crow decoys and an electronic flapper just to see if it would work on crows aswell as pigeons.

i mounted a crow on the flapper on top of the base of a floater so the crow was sitting aprox 4' from the ground and set it to flap about every 5 seconds

the effect was brilliant we were just shooting over a grass field, the grass was about 6-8" long. the crows that came in were so focused on the flapper that they never even knew we were there untill it was to late. try it, i certainly will be doing this again


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I disagree! http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...?showtopic=9840 no camo just a green jacket and a bit of scrim over my face and a cap, tucked in a hedge, no decoys or flappers- leaving the shot birds as the day proceeded, shot over 70 (not all pictured) from 6-9.30 am. That said I knew they were hammering the crop I was on, if decoying them onto something they weren't attacking then a flapper of course would be useful to pull them in.


Great bag though mate, the more of these chaps shot the better.

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A flapper or magnet (single arm) will work wonders on cut Silage or when their on the laid barley but I tend not to use any on drills, there's no real need for one on them and to be honest I've never seen any difference using one. just my opinion.


good bag by the way Tommy. Well done. :ernyha:



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