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  1. If you ever need a shotgun in the the Retford/Worksop area drop me a note. Don't mind bagging a few crows, pigeons or rabbits. Cheers
  2. If you still need a hand with pigeons just drop me a note. I only live at Retford and also have a permission from time to time for pigeon at Southwell.
  3. Does anyone want a hand pigeon shooting in the North Notts area or South Yorkshire,I'm fully insured and have 12g, Air Rifle & Decoy Kit. Any interest drop me a note back, thanks.
  4. Hi, just getting into pigeon shooting. I've put a few posts out there looking for clubs in the local area but wondered if anyone wanted a new shooting buddy. Remember I'm new so not a crack shot yet. All replies welcome, thanks.
  5. Hi, is anyone a member of Newark & District Wildfowler Assoc. if you are what the club like ? Your thoughts please.
  6. I'm in the same boat as you and wonder if this NPPC was any good, have you had any feedback yet ?
  7. I'm thinking about joining national pigeon & pest control ? What do you think about it ? your thoughts please !
  8. Hi everyone, just been on my first shoot with a friend last week and I'm hooked !!!! Has anyone got tips for getting my own permissions to shoot over lands in my area, Equally if anyones looking for a part time shooting buddy to teach ( as I'm still a bit rubbish) in the notts area I'd be interested.
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