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About rtaylor

  • Birthday 23/05/1989

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  1. I went on the Saturday. Very disappointed indeed. Went about 3 years ago and it was easily twice the size. We arrived at half 7 and had been round the whole lot and left by 2! Last time I didn't even get time to go up gun makers row. I was looking out for a second hand 308, I don't think there was more than 10 available in the whole place. For £30 entry I won't bother next year.
  2. In good conditions. Two small marks on the eye peice. And very faint crimp marks. £60 posted Ono. Thanks Pictures to follow.
  3. If you don't mind second had get a pair of Carl Zeiss Jenoptem of eBay. They will be about the same money but the glass is really top, Zeiss, quality. I've had a pair of 10x50 for the last 4 years, second hand when I bought them and still a huge amount better than my mates Hawke ones.
  4. Hmmm seems a bit steep when you can get an aftermarket 50mm one for less than a tenner.
  5. Anyone know where I can get a sunshade for my Schmidt? 8x56. There seems to be a few in the US but nothing available over here.
  6. Do you know what make it is so I can look the dimensions up? Thanks.
  7. Yeah they are the smaller one (bottom one in the second picture) was in pretty poor condition. Hair loss, a few ticks on it and considerably lighter. But it still tastes good so I'm not complaining. There seems to be an awful lot of deer round here at the moment, so that might have something to do with it. I'd like to get out and bag a few more.
  8. Yeah looking at prices on the internet. They are maybe at the top end of subsonic prices. But if I have to pay a bit more for much better accuracy so be it. I guess you get what you pay for. I might see if they will do a deal if I buy 1000 or so.
  9. I bought a box of SK .22 sub rounds from the agricultural merchant today to try them out in my CZ. Fantastic rounds, I was getting hole in hole groups at 50 yards. The 20 or so I fired were very consistent. £6 for 50 so not too bad. Anyone else tried them?
  10. As per the title. I've got loads of spare pigeon shell decoys and was wondering if it was as simple as spraying them black to get some basic crow decoys? I'm sure the crows from the air aren't that bothered about the decoys having legs and a belly.
  11. So the story goes I went out stalking the other night with the hope of bagging a Roe Buck. I stalked up the edge of a wood and managed to spy a fox down the far corner of the wood. So I backtracked and came through the wood to try and get onto it on the same side of the wood. By the time I'd got through Charlie had disappeared but I spotted a Buck on the other side of the valley, slowly working his way up the field. I stalked down the edge of the wood to get onto him better but by the time I'd go there he'd moved up the field some more. Not wanting to take too long a shot, and that I enjoy the stalking as much as the shooting I decided to stalk back through the wood, across the valley and up the other side to get into the gateway to the field he was in. After managing that, I had myself lined up on a fence post to take the shot. Pulled the trigger and watched him drop. I reloaded and checked him for a few seconds through the scope. Nothing happened so I started to climb over the gate when I looked up to see him standing, I wish I was able to take a picture, he looked very regal and proud, similar to those picture of a big red stag. I quickly got back on the post and took another shot, again simple boiler room shot. He did a bit of a backflip, ran for about 50 meters and then dropped. I waited a bit longer this time, but with no more movement I set off to have a look. When I got to him, I got on with gralloching him out that done I decided to just walk back to the car and then drive back to pick the carcass up rather than dragging it across the bog. When I got back to the field I dumped it in the boot and set off driving out of the field. About 50 meters back up the field there was lying a dead roe buck. I couldn't believe it, I got out of the car and sure enough it was still warm. Somehow, despite looking at it from 3 different angles/ranges I'd completely overlooked another buck which must have been lying down in the same field, near where the other one was. After shooting and killing the first one, the other one had stood up and I'd shot that as well. I doubt that will happen again but it was a pretty pleasant surprise. Thanks for reading, apologies for it being a bit long.
  12. Anyone got any experience of the above? How comparable is it to a nm800? More than half the price of the nm. It claims to have the same led and lens as the nm xsearcher.
  13. That sst 90 looks like a real bit of kit. Where do you get the bits from? I take it its 12v? When you say dedomed is that an aspherical lens? What kind of cost would it be to make them?
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