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For the second year my farmer friend has planted pease and the pigeons have shown no interest in them .From sowing to harvest nothing !! Ive watched with envy people shooting 100 plus over pease on you tube .It can't be the farm as I can get good shooting on the same farm every year over rape stubble .Whats going on .Maybe Northumbrian pigeons just don't like pease.
My farmer friend is sowing peas in 3 weeks time.Ive never shot pigeons on peas before.Could someone tell me what to expect .What time is best whether sowing , growing or harvest time for getting the best bags
Saw a massive flock today at 4pm through binoculars out of window .Must have been about 2,000 between Ellington and Widdrington. They feed mostly unhindered as there is no one allowed to shoot on Alcan land
How long are the pigeons likely to be feeding on spring drillings.Im getting good shooting at present
Get a flapper,instead of a magnet.I have both and much prefer to use flappers.I use 2 placed with the birds back to the direction the pigeons fly in .They work great
I had my first day on spring barley yesterday.It was sown sometime last week and the pigeon numbers on it were amazing.Thousands of them flying to and fro all day.Iset my hide up at 11am and it was shooting all day it got busier at 3 pm when I had to go back to my car and get another 3 boxes of cartridges.The pigeons were suicidal.Total shot 92.
I shoot in north Northumberland.Had an incredible day today on spring sowings,my ears are ringing .Fired over 200 shots .92 pigeons in the bag.theres so many up here literally thousands and thousands of them.Back to my original post though what to do with that many birds.I like the mincer idea from halfbee Im up in North Northumberland
Anyone know what I can do with shot pigeons.Ive been out twice in the last few days and shot 65 birds.Ive heard of people who buy frozen birds.Does anyone know these people
Whats going on .This time last year I was decoying on rape but out at the weekend and the pigeons were feeding with the sheep on pasture.Are they eating clover.Is it that the rape got off to a bad start and its not appetising to them at the moment.Also still big flocks around .Is this the cold weather keeping the flocks together
does anyone think it is worthwhile to set up decoys and hide in a rape field where the farmer has put in a banger
Im not suprised you only shot a couple of pigeons.They,ed see his baldy pate a mile off
Yea an my Dads bigger than your Dad
Theres a massive flock of pigeons feeding on the rape fields at Cresswell in Northumberland.There must be 1000 birds and theyre going about their businesss with inpunity as its Rio Alcan farms and strictly no shooting.
Was out today in North Northumberland.Pigeons all feeding on rape but in flocks of about 50 so one shot and there off.by 10 oclock it was over. Got 6.You have to be ready in the hide by first light.