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About fletch2

  • Birthday 07/11/1914

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  • From
    Berwickshire, Scotland

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  1. the kite ise a great bird to look at, i was working in castle douglas last year. i am sure there is a feeding station nearby, think if i remember right there is more kites in that area than buzzy, but correct me if im wrong!! anyway it is a really nice bird to look at in the sky. i even got to watch a buzzy trying to have a pop and at at half the size and the buzzy was well and truly the top dog!!!, a old keeper nearby reckoned he has seen the kite bringing down pigeons!!!!!!
  2. your right. (memory's for a long time) and there will be plenty more to come!!!
  3. yep your right there fella, .410 webley & scott, me and the lad spent a week tidying the gun after given it of a old guy. yep fella got to look after his hearing!!!
  4. hi all, Me and the lad were out on the rape fields today scaring pigeons, nothing to show for it. tho i do have a happy lad and i got a couple photo's of him.
  5. easy tiger! was only asking, about what i was told!! i will download the up to date general licence!! Has it been updated since 4.30pm today???
  6. hi all, not sure about this but a friend of a friend is insured with sacs and im told there has been a news letter or something going out about a licence to shoot pigeons? is this right about a registration and licencing? anyone out there with sacs insurance that can tell us more!. thanks
  7. fletch2


    hi all, quick question do you get a standard left handed air gun its just it seems all stocks are fitted right handed!!
  8. on a c90 thats some trek that fella!! i had a old c90. Ok for knocking round the doors but thats about it!!!!
  9. cheers guys i ordered a 350 think thats what i need or so the calculator says, i was into my mx for a good few years, a ankle and knee injure stoped that! ive been riding a hardtail xc bike as par of my physio for 2 years. my ankle and knee is good now so i asked the wife about another mx bike and it ain't gonna happen (14 month in 2.5yrs layed up at home she said) so downhill is as close to mx as i can get. looking forward to getting out on it should be good fun, nice and steady to start with. well maybe!!!! thanks
  10. hi all how many you do the downhill biking? i looking for some help on spring rates for my bike. i've tryed checking websites out and i don't understand all the stuff they go on about! im 70kg Kona stinky the spring on it is a 2.80x500 far to heavy for me i think, any help would be good cheers
  11. its funny you say that! his two fish ticket was up in a hour, so he suggested if we catch more can we put them in the van before the gillie comes no way little fella! good job really because he told the gillie that he had caught 2 fish!
  12. hi all is anyone else getting many pigeons been very quiet here for a while. i went out this morning on a fresh sown bean field managed 20 picked and a few no were to be seen?? only out for a couple hours. the wind is really quite strong and my hide poles are knacked bent in half now mainly because of me having words with them!!!!!. so i need some new poles are the ones you stamp in any good? cheers fletch
  13. cheers guys, the little man is still buzzing and wants to go again tomorrow! we will see the weather is supposed to turn wet for monday, boohoo!!!! (fair weather man me) we fished at a place called tweeddale fishery east lothian. there was about 15 people on the pond all using the fancy tackle, powerbait ect ect. all we had was some worms and a couple meps. the wee fella says if it wet tomorrow can we go sit in a pigeon hide and shoot doo's. shame there is nothing about either!!!!!
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