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Everything posted by bagpuss

  1. After reading about the teddy bear attracting magpies & crows, I have acquired one. Can someone just explain how to get the best results from using it. That is where to place it, in a tree, on the ground etc etc do you use decoy crows & magpies with it etc etc.
  2. Ooops not sure how I posted that twice but I can't seem to delete one of them
  3. Correct. However baiting them to shoot them is illegal also. The point is this, we all do these things, just don't tell anyone via your mouth how you enticed the magpies/crows in to be shot. Otherwise you may get into trouble. What I do is keep a dead magpie or two in the freezer. They are very territorial especially at this time of year (spring) & they cannot help going to look at an even obviously dead magpie. I have even been succesful with just a magpies wing lying on the ground, they go mad hovering a feet over the wing on the ground, chattering madly at it. Consider this, use two mobile phones, one with the ring tone of a magpies call (easily obtain over the Internet or from a bird song/call CD). Leave one phone by the decoy in the field & call the phone every so often or when another magpie is heard or seen. Once the young are flying as a group these are easier to entice than the street wise adults. However keep well hidden & covered up & only move at the last minute to get your shot off. Happy hunting
  4. Correct. However baiting them to shoot them is illegal also. The point is this, we all do these things, just don't tell anyone via your mouth how you enticed the magpies/crows in to be shot. Otherwise you may get into trouble. What I do is keep a dead magpie or two in the freezer. They are very territorial especially at this time of year (spring) & they cannot help going to look at an even obviously dead magpie. I have even been succesful with just a magpies wing lying on the ground, they go mad hovering a feet over the wing on the ground, chattering madly at it. Consider this, use two mobile phones, one with the ring tone of a magpies call (easily obtain over the Internet or from a bird song/call CD). Leave one phone by the decoy in the field & call the phone every so often or when another magpie is heard or seen. Once the young are flying as a group these are easier to entice than the street wise adults. However keep well hidden & covered up & only move at the last minute to get your shot off. Happy hunting
  5. I think that we should all agree to disagree sometimes. It's like a wearing garlic around vampires, some people would feel better about the situation & fully protected & others would think b0ll0cks it's just an old wives tale. Do whatever you think is right. It ain't going to kill you either way.
  6. £29.99!!! There are brass Bisley snap caps on e-bay for under a tenner. Here is a thought for those that want to use snap caps, why not leave the snap caps in the gun after you have released the firing pin spring tension & remove the snap caps next time you go out with the gun. PS I'm not a gullible newbie I've been shooting for 30 years
  7. Excuse my ignorance on the subject, but aren't snap caps used to take the tension off the firing spring before the gun is stored in the gun cupboard??
  8. Thanks Shaun Roughly how much is the pump & what sort of time & effort is involved in filling one bottle? Sorry to be so fussy like I say I'm looking at all the options.
  9. Can someone explain why you cannot use a compressor to re charge the bottles & with all the cost implecations of the divers cylinder, testing & charging it up, is the pump a more viable option? I have a FAC Rapid 7 which I bought recently second hand & I am weighing up all the options on this one. Cheers
  10. Kdubya I did a search on cheetah sling through google & I came up with sex toys. Very interesting but not what I was hoping for. Can you give me a bit more of a clue on this.
  11. Ricky send me your address on a PM
  12. Milo how is it fixed at the bottle, is it just on a loop? Or is there a sling fitting fitted to the woodwork. More details please of what you have done & the fittings used etc. Thanks
  13. Ricky thats great just PM your address to me
  14. Guys I have a FAC .20 Rapid 7 & want to fit a sling on it, I'm not sure whether to fit to the barrel or to the stock. Any ideas or recommendations for fittings, type of sling & location of fittings. Thanks
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