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Posts posted by welsh1

  1. You tube has loads of tutorials, My Son is a Copywriter and he is blisteringly faast on a keyboard, he can chat to me while typing, he learn't in school using the computers and as all things got better over time.

    I on the other hand tend to use two fingers with the occasional thumb and little finger added, i have tried but am set in my ways and can't now be bothered even though i am on a computer all day.


  2. On 08/10/2023 at 20:10, welsh1 said:

    Ok i will only say this only once so listen very carefully (bet you did the french accent)

    We do not allow religion, there is at least one post on here that will be removed in a minute.
    This is a complex and volitile situation and it's right is should be dicussed in the context of what is going on, but any one strays into the religious side of things and the whole thread wil be gone.

    Don't say you wern't warned

  3. Ok i will only say this only once so listen very carefully (bet you did the french accent)

    We do not allow religion, there is at least one post on here that will be removed in a minute.
    This is a complex and volitile situation and it's right is should be dicussed in the context of what is going on, but any one strays into the religious side of things and the whole thread wil be gone.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Fargo said:

    Well I decided to ring Marstons and eventually got through to someone and asked if paid now can I have a discount as its 100x the original bill. They said no. I paid it and just have put it down to life.

    I don’t blame the agents as it’s their job but I don’t like how they act and tbh the one coming to my property had no ID etc and they wouldn’t tell me who he was when I asked when called.


    i'm sorry you decided to pay in full, you would have had a very good case for the bailiff fees to be removed by submitting the forms i highlighted.

    But it's done and life is to short to dwell on it, tomorrow is another day.

  5. 1 minute ago, 12gauge82 said:

    "Its surprising how many people let the dvla know their new address after many months of being there."

    Yet conveniently forget this fact when trying to locate them, with enforcement agencies miraculously remembering this fact and very easily locating them once their extortionate fees have been added. You could almost say it wasn't accidental at all.

    Do you expect them to hold all fines for months on the hope that people remember to do something that they should have done when they moved. there are time scales for everything .
    Enforcement agencies use the electoral role, dvla ,tracing agents, that is why they are employed to find people who have not responded to the letters sent out by the agency.

    I'm not against debters needing to pay what they owe, but a 700 pound fine for a 6 quid debt is ridiculous, particularly when someone clearly hasn't attempted to avoid paying it.
    The fees for non payment are laid out on the highways site.
    The enforcement fees are laid out in law for each stage.and i have told the op to enquire about them.

    I find it disgusting and could easily criminalise decent people who could never afford to pay such ridiculous fees.

    You may find it disgusting, but i bet you wouldn't complain if the same people were collecting a debt owed to you.

    While you are disgusted, why don't you complain about £100 fine for driving through a red light, or the same for a slightly bald tyre, don't drop litter that's £100, how about speeding?


    That's me out of this conversation because i simply can't be bothered, there will always be people who are disgusted, but i can tell you now that there are far more greatful that thier money has been recovered.

  6. 17 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    I do think on the rare occasion that the American legal system has this right, in that (I believe) you have to be personally served a notice of someone taking you to court. 

    The idea they can send all notifications etc to an old address, take you to court, win on the basis you didn’t turn up (as you had no idea it was happening) but then suddenly be able to find you no problem once they have the claim on the vastly inflated sum is very wrong in my view. 

    They send notifications to the address as supplied to the DVLA by the vehicle owner, no reply they take it as being ignored and obtain a court order, it is not their fault that the vehicle driver has failed to update their address with dvla.

    The enforcement agency send letters to the address, and they visit, if they find out the debtor has moved they then look for that person, they will use the electoral roll and dvla as the two main tools, it is suprising how many people let the dvla know their new address after many months of being there instead of informing them when they first move.
    The fees are set out for every stage.

    All the above happens because the person did not register his/her new address with the dvla.
    There are ways to try and lessen the situation you may find yourself in, i have supplied them, it is then down to the panel to make the decision on the information that is supplied.

    Papers can be served by mail in the USA.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Cranfield said:

    Not good news.
    They will/should have a photo of your vehicle with the time and date of the crossing.
    Its probable they will have found your address via the DVLC, and any delay you made in notifying the DVLC, will have had an effect on the delay in serving you this notice.
    The small print on the T&C's will spell out the acceleration rate of the charge, so its probably all legit.

    Consult a Solicitor, Citizens Advice, or try spelling out the circumstances to the Enforcement Agency and plead for mercy.

    I don't think your predicament is anything to do with the Conservative Party , or the Government, despite what some posters think.🙂

    If you mean marstons then it will fall on deaf ears. They will only listen to the courts or the person issuing the original fine (national highways).

    They will have found his address through the electoral role and DVLA.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Fargo said:

    Thank you sir

    And no just this paper and asking me to pay today or “ he’ll have come back”

    What was his name? you can check to see if he holds a bailiff certificate to enforce orders from the court, sometimes they slip up and forget to renew or send out letter droppers who are not certificated to deliver lots of slips like yours in that case they could not legally charge enforcement fees.

  9. 11 minutes ago, old'un said:

    Don’t they need a court order before they can enter and remove goods?

    To me this just looks like a debt collector trying it on, might pay you to talk to a solicitor.

    This is real they have a court order to seize goods, but they cannot force entry to your house


    29 minutes ago, Fargo said:

    Door rings this morning at 08:55

    Marston recovery agent stood there saying I owe £619 for an unpaid Dartford crossing both ways in a day (£6) which I seemingly forgot to pay a year ago.

    Because of a house move I have my post redirected and genuinely have never received any letters from them.

    Agent was very polite and explained things but told him I’d ring him Friday as was too busy now to sort.

    Do I just pay the hideous £619 and forget about it or is there anyway to lessen the debt? Stupid to have forgotten to pay it and fault is on me but what a crazy amount of money for £6 I didn’t pay for some reason.



    Have they left you any paperwork apart from this with a breakdown of their fees?
    I have been out of the game for a while and the fee structure has changed but looking at various sites that figure may be wrong, here is one site explaining fees,I would ask for a breakdown of their costs.

    Google forms TE7 and TE9 fill them in and email them to the enforcement centre (it's on the bottom of the form), do this asap, it will stop all enforcement while your appeal is ongoing, if you win you will still have a debt but it will be reduced, if you lose you will need to make arrangements to pay the bailiff company, they usually will take monthly payments.
    Do all correspondance with the bailiff company by email or letter, do not have conversations on phone (they will not remember them, it is not in their interest to remember them)


  10. 8 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    Out of interest, what was your old job and what’s your new job? 

    Stress can be a real killer! 

    I was a High Court Enforcement Officer there were no set working hours, in the years i did it i was stabbed, hit over the back of the head with a brick, had a car run at me and carry me down the road on the bonnet, a shotgun pointed at me, and various people attacking me., before all that i was in the military for a long time, my Doctor told me that i had basically been working in a stressful enviroment for 33 years , and it was going to kill me, i knew he was right.

    I now work in an office (or from home)  checking LEV Engineering reports and the associated calculations.The company seems to think it's complicated i think it's easy lol, so happy days.

  11. 2 hours ago, steve1066 said:

    Totally agree with you bud.

    Out of 70,000 people living in North wales only 300 turned up. Sounds if more people in the South were more aware than those in the North.

    What did your local highways dept say when you questioned the 20 one way and 30 the other.

    So far despite a local community member telling me he would take it up nothing has happened , the same as this being reported ,placing new signs so they can be seen, a week ago the council were told.(there are two 20mph signs there)


  12. 59 minutes ago, steve1066 said:

    As you practically confirmed what a waste of time that was and a big inconvenience to all those behind them. Would you please let the organiser know that using French tactics of inconveniencing everybody that agrees with you doesn’t help the cause. Why not go and park 300 cars outside the Senedd. But then driving all the way down to South Wales at 30 or 70 mph  would be hard work and a massive inconvenience to the 300 north Wales protesters.

    Must be more constructive ways.

    what are they going to do next, glue themselves to the A55, let’s hope if they do, they only get hit at 20 mph😂😂😂

    It raised the protest profile as it was posted in many local papers, and national ones, it was reported on the news by MSM, so it wasn't a waste of time.
    The new 20mph changes are farcical, it was very badly thought out, labour leaders in charge of it have lied using spain as an example which has been shown to be skewered by lockdown, the roll out is a disaster with varying speed limits depending on which way you are driving, roads that quite obviously should stay at 30 or 40 are now at 20 causing people to break from 60 to 20.
    In my town if you come in one end the limit is now 20, if you come in the other end it is 30, this is not a good thing to have seeing as we are a ferry port with a lot of traffic passing through a few times aday.

    Labour only a few weeks ago told all departments they had a 900 million shortfall, and yet have pushed ahead with this, the cost is estimated at 33 million but will probably be twice that, and the continuing loss to the welsh economy projected to be in the billions.

    Under labour our health service under performs, in fact all our social services are in a poor way compared to england, this money could have paid for a lot of doctors and nurses.

    But if comrade dripford says it must be so then the masses should cower and obey.
    Labour should be the party of the people not the dictatorship we find ourselves in.

    And we can see by the protests and the petition the labour idiots in charge of this are trying to roll back on their hard line trying to say that local authorities can change things, (knowing full well the criteria makes that difficult), the dissent against them has shaken them and they realise the people of wales can vote against them and will. 

    It will not reduce emmissions.

    journy times will be increased

    And looking at real statistics it won't save the lives being touted by dripford and his cohorts

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