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Posts posted by welsh1

  1. 7 minutes ago, amateur said:

    That was Tony Blair's strategy to ensure that the otherwise natural shift to conservatism due to increased affluence was effectively countermanded and Labour had more chance of getting in.

    That worked well then.

  2. 3 minutes ago, old'un said:

    sad really when you think it is open news/knowledge of what as happened in Holland and why, yet we are unable to discus it fully on here, rules are rules but I guess its how big a stick you want to wave to implement them.

    You can discuss most things on this site, but you have to be aware it is open for all to see, and from past experience these threads inevitably end up in a slagging match between posters, or go off on a tangent and another sub thread is created.

    Be civil, stick within the rules and the thread will tick along.

  3. Time to tuck this one up and say goodnight, i think we have covered the op's initial thoughts, have been round the houses, and up the high street, let's stop it before it gets to the main road.

  4. What a clever bloke, he gets to say his piece to millions of people on an almost daily basis for weeks, speaking to a predominantly younger audience who he may influence with his brand of politics. And while he is being given this free party political/farage broadcast he is being paid 1.5 million quid for it.

    There are politicians out there that would give anything for this kind of expoure and opportunity.

    Nigel my be many things but daft isn't one of them

  5. 1 hour ago, clangerman said:

    the kids of today have equipped their selfs with laptops and the skills to seek real truth so they don’t have to swallow one sided propaganda this thread trying to demonise their March for a ceasefire just confirms their distrust is well placed and good on them for it 

    Really, because within the Internet there is a vast amount of misinformation, half truths and outright lies spread by people with an agenda in an online world that has little in the way of control.

    Just because kids can use the Internet and search things out doesn't mean they may be getting a balanced view of the world.

    While the main news channels may not portray everything, they are subject to some controls.

    The internet is the wild West of information and the huge majority of news on it should be taken with a pinch of salt .


  6. And time to call this one a day.
    As the title was Remembrace Sunday could we all please take away the image of thousands of Veterans and civilians along with the Military and other services all peacefully and with dignity paying respect to the fallen around the country.

    The first pic is 
    101-year-old Second World War veteran Jack Ransom during the service in EdinburghCredit: Jane Barlow/PA

    The second pic
    Veterans form up on Horse Guards ParadeCredit: Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA
    One of the oldest members of 25 Fd Sqn RE (the first unit i served at) Gus is the Chelsea Pensioner at the rear right, looking forward to seeing him again at the next reunion in Feb.




    gus jpeg.jpg

  7. I knew a simple soldier boy
    Who grinned at life in empty joy,
    Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,
    And whistled early with the lark.

    In winter trenches, cowed and glum,
    With crumps and lice and lack of rum,
    He put a bullet through his brain.
    No one spoke of him again.

    You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
    Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
    Sneak home and pray you'll never know
    The hell where youth and laughter go.

    Siegfried Sassoon

  8. When i was younger i used to walk the shore on an incoming tide where there was some seaweed and rocks, and cast out a little spinner between the seaweed trails, it's suprising what you can catch in just a foot or so of water, the Bass seem to hug the shoreline hunting out stuff under the rising seaweed, once had an 8lb bass in about two foot of water, usualy it was smaller Bass, great fun on a light set up and then release them for another day.

    Also did the same with a fly rod never casting out furthur than 10 ft from shore, when the bass goes for it you will have fun.

  9. Remembrance Day 2004.

    More British soldiers dead

    In another British war.


    Yesterday some of their parents

    In anguish and anger went to Downing Street

    To lay a wreath

    To lay the blame

    At the door

    Of the man most responsible

    For our latest war.


    But their sons are gone.


    And Iraq's cities are in ruins.

    In many thousands Iraq, too, has lost its sons.

    Their sons are gone, their children maimed.

    Chaos and trauma are everywhere.

    For the shattering of this nation

    We share the blame.


    No fine words can give these crimes

    The slightest gloss.


    Parents grieve. Such a quantity of grief.

    Such needless destruction. Such needless pain.

    Parents grieve.

    Let us reflect on

    Their needless loss.


    Let us reflect on their needless loss.


    David Roberts

  10. 6 minutes ago, JDog said:

    Now let us see who is brave and who is not. Tamsulosin works perfectly well to allow the passage of urine, but what about a more viscous substance.?

    That can be a shock lol, to put it bluntly when you ejaculate nothing comes out your body absorbs it, it doesn't happen to everyone and not all the time, but it most certainly does happen.

  11. Just now, Centrepin said:

    Then let it drop, again its you boys dragging it up. A harmless comment and you jump in without thinking. Let it drop. It was already buried, down, gone, forgotten. 

    We think about all we do on this forum, we work to keep it ticking over ,one of those jobs is to make sure threads are not derailed, as i said you were given advice, you have so far ignored that advice and have now told a mod to grow up.


  12. 8 minutes ago, Centrepin said:

    Maybe, but as I pointed out, he brought it up, after it was buried. He had no need to. The job of moderators is not to cause arguments or look for one. I was quite happy for it to buried and have made no further comments on this or looked to have an argument. Why did he feel the need to provoke things. Quite simple, let it it die.

    Derail or a humorous comment. You're looking for an argument.

    It appears you are looking for an argument and it is you that won't let it go.An admin quite rightly advised you not to turn this thread into another police bashing thread because you made a comment on the police and their response times, this was not in tune with the subject matter of the Royal Mail.

    You could have taken the advice on board but instead you chose to argue the point, and then told an admin to grow up for doing the job they give their free time to do. 

  13. 6 hours ago, Centrepin said:

    But YOU  brought it up again and now you're backing down because you're wrong in dragging it up.  Grow up.

     The admin have a difficult job to do trying to keep many threads on point, they do not deserve to be told to "grow up" while doing this job.

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