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Gareth_Northern Ireland

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    Northern Ireland

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  1. Ive had good woodcock shooting and seeing good numbers of them but some of the ground is wild soft this year
  2. I have shot a good number of pigeons over the last month but havnt got out to look over the last week or so. Hope to get out over christmas
  3. 46 on Monday and 30 on Tuseday going to head out in the morning again theres a good few pigeons about atm
  4. worth a try to go and ask all they can say is no. Theres a place I shoot people say that man wont let you shoot and when I went to ask he says shoot away.
  5. I was out last Thursday shot 25 pigeons and 29 crows and was out today shot 15 pigeons and 7 crows. Some combines have been getting it tight in places
  6. we shot 5 woodcock today saw plenty of woodcock abot this year
  7. What were the pigeon shot over?
  8. got out yesterday we put up 18 woodcock and shot 4 so hope to get out next weekend again. I have also seen diggers destroying good woodcock ground
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