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  1. Fair play how early did you get there I was at the stall by 9:30 but there was no 32g ones there, I have been using the 32g 4's for the last eighteen months on the pigeons and they are spot on, went out with the 28g ones yesterday for a tester with the same result .
  2. You must have got there later than me mine are 4's and 5's using them for pigeons happy days
  3. I got a few bargains the gamebore stand were doing slabs of steel shot for £20 so bought four getting them back to the truck wasn't so much fun, bought a few other bits and pieces some bargains to be had but some places were really taking the **** my mate bought a Buttalo roe call for £22 from one place and the next stall wanted £35. Very enjoyable day on the whole.
  4. I live in Bristol and have a couple of permissions local (within 10 mile) to me but its been a bad year for rabbits around here theres been a very virile strain of mixi about and basically all my places are barren, as the title says I have all the ferrets, locators, nets and insurance, so if someone wants a hand making a dent in their rabbit population I would be only to happy to help atb Roy
  5. I shoot around bristol and there are none on my permissions getting a bit worried now, all those boxes of carts I assured the missus were desperatley needed dont seem to be moving
  6. As I said in the op I have bought stuff from A1 before and been happy with it, but these are well below thier usual standard
  7. I wanted some flappers and as I had some money in the paypal account I bought them off the bay I saw a company called sporting agent AKA A1 Decoy shooting shop they do all the game fairs and I have bought stuff off of them before which has been alright, anyway I purchased two ultimate pigeon flappers from them, however they are to put it bluntly rubbish a very low quality item, I emailed the seller who urged me to try them out first I did and one of them broke I have emailed the seller again but a week later and no reply, they are based in Bristol so please beware, as I said before I have bought other stuff off of them and its been fine but please avoid their ultimate pigeon flappers atb nasher
  8. I was meant to be out today but its hammering down so I will give it a miss, they dont seem to play ball in this weather.
  9. I know the spots are filled but I have sent you a pm you never know your luck. as said in pm there are not many birds moving around in my part of Bristol atb nasher
  10. I have followed Teals directions to the letter and registared on guntrader but it is still trying to charge me £5 to sell my gun anyone have any suggestions atb nasher
  11. I agree with you on this, but from personal experience the R10 needs to be blueprinted just to get it to a workable standard
  12. As said before if you dont let the breech slam shut on the first cart and manually move the shuttle forward the gun wont be properly cocked, push the shuttle forward and it will move about 10mm and click it will then fire
  13. nasher

    BSA R10

    I bought a R10 in .177 and it was absolute junk, but the nice people at BSA got John Bowkett to blueprint one and sent it to me as a replacement and its been spot on, but all said and done I still miss my S410
  14. thanks for that will do atb nasher
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