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Posts posted by mysecretlife

  1. So here we go, last night p.a.s took me lamping – again! Those of you who may have read my post on Wednesday will know the first outing was pretty uneventful – no fault of p.a.s, more the fact that I was so keen to get out I didn’t care if the moon was full and not a cloud in the sky!


    So, we arrange to go out again, the forecast for Saturday night is thick low cloud, great. As with all good forecasts the thick low cloud turned out to be a few small wisps of cloud drifting past a bold as brass full moon – I’m beginning to think this moon has got it in for me!? Undeterred p.a.s say’s we’ll give it go and to add to my excitement (sad I know) we’re taking the .22 rimmy, ‘should improve our chances’.


    A few shots at a target with the gun just to get a feel and then off for wonder. Not many bunnies about, until we spot one sat at about 60 yards, I bring the rifle up to my shoulder, line up the cross hairs, nervously squeeze the trigger and thud, I fluff the shot and Mr bunny casually hops into the hedgerow – ******!


    Ney matter, we press on. We walk about 30 yards and lamp up again, a rabbit! This time I don’t fluff the shot, o.k. it’s a body shot and not ideal, but it does the job.


    Armed with our quarry in the game bag we retreat back to the disco and move on to the next permission. Nothing doing, I don’t think the fact that we we’re followed round most of a paddock by 6 stupid horses who seem to think two men in camo with a gun at 1 o’clock in the morning have popped in to pay them a social visit.


    We call it a night; p.a.s shows me how to paunch and skin my kill – very quick, very clean and we head home.


    My thanks and respect again to p.a.s for being ***** to take people like me out and share some of his wisdom (yeah, I’m sure there was some in there somewhere, lol) with me.


    Thanks for taking the time to read this, I know lamping may be something you guys do every day (or should that be night) but to me it’s a big deal to have the opportunity.


    Right, I’m off now to find a recipe for my bunny.

  2. I am not writing this to get into peoples good books or massage egos; I write this as heart felt thank you.


    Last night p.a.s took me lamping for the first time in my life. I enjoyed every minute of it, even if the conditions were awful. Saw a few bunnies, got off a couple of rushed shots, hit nothing but never less a great experience. My respect and thanks to p.a.s for not cancelling the trip, and my respect to Ruby (the dog) for trying her best to bag us a bunny and brake land speed records!


    I learnt a lot, like don’t go out if the moons so bright you have to wear sunglasses. Any how, top night! Thanks.



  3. Thats what I thought you might say. :hmm:


    Do you think it would survive a sutained attack with angle grinders, crow-bars and possibly a hi-lift farm jack (not that I am speaking from experince in anyway on the skills required to remove a gun cabinet :hmm: that one might have lost the keys to.)


    Yeah it's safe! Mind you, I reakon my wife could nag it off the wall!! lol

  4. Do we really need another indie brit-pop band?


    - who make accounts just to promote themselves?



    Hey, if I don't, who will!!


    Your right thou, we don't need another indie brit-pop band, but we do need a decent indie brit pop band!

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