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Posts posted by holloway

  1. The jury found him guilty of the crime he was being tried for which was fraud. (falsifying his business records ) , unanimously.. cant really see past that one myself but maybe its to simplistic and i missed something.

  2. 1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

    Completely untrue.


    The defence has until 13 th June to formulate an appeal, they can also wait for sentencing.
    The problem for the democrats, is that many people have seen how unfair the trial process has been, very few will be swayed away from Trump, more will gravitate towards him as they see what he has predicted has come true.

    The unconstitutional aspects of the trial could easily get the supreme court involved, which would move it out of NY.

    First grounds are , the completely meaningless witness testimony of Stormy D.
    There was no context, and what she said was contradictory, watch the Channel 5 documentary on her, her only interest is digging herself out of financial ruin.
    She owes Trump $630,000 dollars for failed defamation cases, she is an unreliable witness, as is Cohen who did a plea bargain.

    You can hate on Trump all you like, but there are more holes in the conviction than a string vest, and the American people who havent got TDS can see it plain as day, this can only garner him more support.
    Like I say, an own goal for the dems, they would actually have caused themselves LESS damage if he had been found not guilty !

    Not disagreeing but given all of those facts why did a 12 member jury unanimously find him guilty ? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

    6 points apparently, as the US sees its judiciary used to try and hobble a political opponent.
    Tens of millions in donations flowing in.

    "The Trump case. An American friend has pointed out the following facts: "This case was textbook corrupt. All Federal prosecutors looked at the case and chose not to pursue. The State of NY decided to pursue and upgrade a misdemeanor charge to a felony by linking it to another crime and then never named the actual crime. The statute of limitations had run out, and the Appellate Court told the judge that he couldn't use that material, which was about 75% of the case, but the judge ignored the instructions of the Appellate and went ahead with the case rather than dismissing. The judge refused to allow the FEC to testify on why they didn't pursue the case. The judge then instructed the jury that they didn't need a unanimous decision and that they didn't even need solid evidence, only a belief that a crime had been committed. All un-Constitutional and will be overturned on appeal. But it does prove that the judicial system is compromised and no longer following the Constitution."

    I am sure i read several times that it had to be a unanimous verdict from all 12 jury members.Unless i read wrong 🤔

  4. 55 minutes ago, Minky said:

    I've always carried a small compact pair in the top jacket pocket to identify rabbits out along hedge bottoms and if pigeons are dropping into the corn or sitting up in trees over the rape etc. The pair that I did have were 8x32 and did, but were nothing special. They fell out of the jacket pocket and something inside moved and they developed sort of double vision.  They weren't worth spending money on.  The daughters clubbed together£450 for a present for me and I replaced the old binos with a new pair of Leica compacts. All I can say is that until you take a pair of binoculars such as these out at dusk and compare against "binos" you don't know how good a TOP pair really are.  Recently I have been toying with the ida of  buying a 10x40 pair for use at longer ranges and the other day I was at a friend's and he had a pair of Zeiss dialyt 7x42 hanging on his workshop door to view the deer that come out of his woods to feed on his fields at dusk. I  asked if I could look through them down into the tree line edge of the wood. The pentration and contrast clarity through the trees and overhanging branches was exceptional.  The price is high but so is the clarity. AND you can't take it with you. 

    A quality binocular will always give you a bit of a wow factor when you look through it the good thing is until you do you wont know haw ordinary most are.

  5. check out the next Holts sealed bid auction ,usually lots of 101 s going for peanuts .

    Also worth getting the stock glued on yours ,it could be returned to stronger than new with some of todays glues , you would be lucky to get a replacement as nice as that original one ,( also probably cheaper than a new stock 👍)

  6. 13 minutes ago, enfieldspares said:

    Heck! How on God's earth that can give regular and consistent patterns I don't know. It doesn't look as of it has been graded to sort out sizes. And those "nibs" look as of they'd score a barrel if they came in to contact with it. But barrel to bore issues aside I'd ask how does it shoot in real life and does it kill clean "dead in the air"?

    Strange isn't it i would shoot steel all day long with no worries ,but could never bring myself to use shot like that .

  7. I have acquired a rather nice (in my opinion ) Nikko Stirling Tiara scope ,sadly it hasn't got any mounts ,i had noticed that it only has 7/8 inch tube ,i have looked everywhere but cant find any to fit , is it possible to get them today ? it is a fairly vintage scope. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, London Best said:

    You may be right. I would say the dog went to where the buck was shot.

    yes i thought that , the follow up filming just seemed odd to me almost like he knew he needed to justify the shot ,( or maybe i'm just of a suspicious nature 😐)

  9. 1 hour ago, Zoli 12 guage said:

    how does anything "move a little after death"

    although the shot was totally unsafe imho,that Deer dropped like it was pole axed AND it was, also imo a lucky shot because he wouldn't have been aiming where he actually hit AND the optic on the rifle didn't look like it was up to the job of taking on a shot at that distance which is why he missed the engine room.

    How does something move after death ? answer …… you move it down a slope to make the  back drop look safer .

  10. This old girl was in a sorry state when i found her ,tatty beaten up old stock and some nasty rust on the metal work including some nasty pitting ,underneath all that seemed to me to be a gun that had seen little action ,so worth the price of some sand paper and oil .A bonus was the original sights still in place ,the spring was in good nick so just added new seals and ready for a new life !

    For those who don't know HW 80 mk1 in .22  from the 1980s.


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