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Posts posted by glogin

  1. I was with my girlfriend deer stalking the other day. I shot a roe buck and we had to take it 300-400m from the place where it fell to the nearest road.

    After we got married she lost her interest in shooting and still reminds me that I told her to carry the buck with me :good:

  2. Thanks all,


    If it is at least 5 years to get FAC or SGC the only chance for me is to get visitors permit. Rick, was it the case when you applied for your FAC?

    I do not have a European Firearms Pass but I can get one from Polish police.

    I am also wondering if it is possible to get visitors permit when a shooting agency acts as an application supporter. European Firearms Pass can be given for up to 5 years period (and then extended is necessary). I might be possible to apply for visitors permit for a period of 2-3 years and then switch to FAC + SGC :good:

    I would like to bring my 12b Merkel s/s shotgun and 7x64 Brno rifle (and leave 12b / .30x06 Fair combo for driven hunt in Poland).



  3. I came to the UK in 2004. I spent 12 months in Essex and then 6 months in London. Then I went back to Poland for about 18 months. And returned about 14 months ago. Now I live in Scotland.

    I believe that visitors permit might be easier to obtain as it is required to have only one 'sponsor'. The reason why I would prefer to have my own firearm certificate is that I travel a few times a year to Poland and shoot there. Driven boar shooting is something you cannot easily forget if you tried it once.. :yes:

    The other reason is that I would have to deal with Polish police, which is not a pleasant process and certainly takes quite a lot of time to get a permit to take my gun from Poland.

    And the third reason is that I own quite large calibres - 7x64 and 30-06, not so useful in the UK (maybe except red deer and fallow).

    I am also wondering if there is an upper limit for how long the visitors permit is valid.

    Thanks for all replies. I will probably call my local police station and ask.



  4. Hi all,


    I am originally from Poland but I have been in the UK for some time now. Game / clay shooting and also deer stalking is my passion, but I have not tried doing that here in the UK yet. I have my firearm certificate in Poland but I would like to continue my hobby here. I know it is always an option to pay and go shooting with a professional. However, I am wondering if it is possible to bring my own gun to the UK. Is it possible? If yes how complicated is that? On the other hand, I have read about applying for the firearm certificate in the UK. The problem is that I would have to find two people who would be my referee (UK residents, gun owners, know me for at least two years, etc.) and I am not sure if I could find such people. Any suggestions?




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