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shot shot

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Posts posted by shot shot

  1. Just to turn this thing on it's head, before I had even passed my test, I as involved in two separate RTAs, and here's the kicker, in both instances, I was not at fault.


    One fairly minor one with some guy not looking before pulling out of a junction (£1k in damage to the car I was in, mainly a new door, never did hear about the other guys car, but I'd guess a couple of hundred to get a new bonnet fitted)


    The other one wasn't so minor, the older guy blacked out behind the wheel, and came across the lanes into the front of me. Both cars total write offs, hospitalised, x-rays, pain medication. I've had better days tbh :lol:


    Put it this way, it's not an experience I'm in any rush to repeat :/

  2. The Danish sisters in law + husbands are here [aka the Viking Invasion] all is cool, no Carlsberg tonight but we have had some NZ Sauvignon Blanc and a great Danish/Irish fish pie with cod/portavogie prawns/colcannon etc - to die for and the Danes are very happy.


    So a mega in law success - if you are dreading an in law visit,try to think ouside the box, take control of the situation and you will inevitably be the winner, Above all remember that YOU are in charge of YOUR OWN CASTLE!





  3. eh :yes: yes i did, where else could i have seen it :good:


    anyway you cant drink in the cinema :lol::oops:

    I drank beforehand :yes: :yes: :hmm:



    besides, those bpm bottles conceal a lot :hmm:

  4. What's it matter where the intervention came from ?




    I wish that head , was at the school 20yrds away from where i live . As myself and mrs yp are going to find out if our eldest has got into the school or if we have a 20 minute drive to take her to the next school .


    ( prepare for me ranting if she can not get into our local school )


    all the best yis yp :oops:

    I agree totally


    I live in a semi rural area, with about a quarter of the pupils from my school coming from a rural backround, yet the teachers are a bunch of city slicker, animal rights Wally's!


    put it this way, my views on foxes didn't go down well with the biology teacher :good:


    More teachers should be like that head!! :yes:

  5. best film ive seen lately is zombieland, though i do want to see this one :good:

    cept you were a fool and didn't see it in the cinema!



    what a night, Halloween 2009 :yes:

  6. Ok, so I don't ride a bike, and have only had my car licence for a day, but even still, in the time I was learning, the amount of times that looking over my shoulder has prevented an accident, it's unreal! I guess that on a bike it's a lot more important

  7. I too was troubled by some of the responses to this thread.


    Firstly - if this girl was a threat - why wasn't she restrained rather than beaten?


    Secondly - if I remember rightly this particular protest was about the innocent guy being brutalised and killed the previous day.


    Thirdly - the police were strangely vocal prior to the protests about being 'up for it' - What was that about? Trying to scare off the peaceful non-shouty, non-carton wielding protesters?


    Fourthly - just because someone is in uniform, tooled up and scary looking doesn't mean you should do everything they say - we are not in China.

    It is extra worrying to read the 'right wing' views on here. Do you think citizens would continue to be allowed to posses firearms in a police state?

    psss, china is left wing...

  8. I'm sorry, but bow fishing for carp is a stupid sport. There is no skill in it, and the carp either get dumped or sold as pet food, it is literally shooting fish in a bowl.


    "invasive species"!!!


    let them have their fun, I doubt you give off at people shooting grey squirrels, and then not eating them.



    besides, bow fishing looks like great fun :shoot:

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