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Posts posted by danccooke

  1. British legal system, if you are rich you can afford a top lawyer. If you are not you get what you're given. I was 19 and poor, he was 21 and from a very affluent family. Who had a gripe that I had banned him from my kickboxing classes because he only wanted to hurt people.

    according to his lawyer he didn't attack me he patted me on the shoulder and although thoughtless it wasn't maliscious ( a pat that ended up with his thumb inside my shoulder through the stitches i had in from a recent operation), and he didn't headbut me he lent forwards to hear me better. Jury pretty much agreed it was selfdefence but the result was excessive, they came back and requested the judge give them a measure of what was "reasonable force" to which he was as vague as he could be, it was a split verdict but in the end the took a 10 -2 after being called back for the 4th time, this was after they asked the hieght difference between us, which was 2" but the judge gave the weight difference too which was 8stone. I think that is what swayed them.

    judge said that although i was guilty i showed remorse and that a non custodial sentance would be given.


    In short British justice sucks, I lost my job, my sport and much respect. It took a long time to earn two of those back.


    One punch , broken Jaw, broken Cheek, direct fracture of the orbital Floor of the eye socket, nose. Sounds impressive, I've never raised a fist since and quit kickboxing(however I did represent Great Britain later that year for the last time), maybe he had a paper face but it scared me enough that at 19years old i might have killed him and ended up inside for life. The only way I would ever throw a punch again would be if someone was threatening my wife or I truly thought my life was in danger.


    I am not proud of what i did but it was a self defence reaction. In the same position as it was a reaction there is a chance it would happen again but I hope to never be in that position. I am sure the starter of this thread had the same thought. I'm being attacked, fix it. I just wanted to say be careful in case the attacker suddenly decides that he is in pain and maybe he could sue you. To say I am sceptical of the British Judicial system is an understatement.

  2. Made my own apple press and made cider, left it ages (forgot about it at the folks place) 18months later, perfectly clear, about 7% from calculations we've made on start gravity and finish. Tastes of pure apples flat, gives one hell of a kick in the head. It is quite smooth if a touch dry. It is great mixed with Brandy. I will be making more this year as we have enough to last quite a while.


    it is hard work picking, mashing then crushing the apples, but it ends up being a bit of a family thing. Me and the brothers do the work, Dad laughs his **** off and offers useless advice, Mum drives Adam (one of the brothers) to hospital after being stung in the throat (major allergy sufferer getting stung in the neck is funny as ****)


    Is it better than strongbow? no (heathen i know but it is my staple diet) . Is it better than a proper cider? maybe. Is it mine? Hell yeah, do I like it? Yeah

  3. seriously be careful mate,


    I had the same issue, but had one arm in a sling, I was attacked and I broke the guys face with a left jab (ex Kickboxer World Bronze Medalist) I got taken to task, GBH, 240hrs Comm Service, a Criminal record and in total with my legal fee, his and the fine about £18k lighter in the pocket. Made it interesting when I applied for SGC too,


    make sure it can't be turned around on you if the decked one suddenly decides to say you attacked him.


    On a side note.


    Nice one.

  4. I am with most of us on this one, if it is a path or public area it is bagged and taken home (a pain if on a long walk, it might be bagged but it still stinks) but Zak has taken to squatting in the fields and under hedgerows, I leave them.

    the only time I have left it at the beach was when he dropped it in the surf, I guessed that it would be joining all the others in no time, and it was an upcoming tide too.

  5. we've got moles and rabbits on the cricket pitch a play at.


    i've had a chat with the keeper and chairman and although they don't want to upset the neighbours with shooting, they are happy for me to trap the rabbits and moles.


    Moles are something I haven't dealt with before. and i don't want to be digging up loads of cricket pitch to put traps down. Is there a guide to mole trapping anywhere?

  6. Luckily I used to be a chef, I love cooking. For me it is my evening wind down to cook the dinner while she watches Corystenders Farmside??

    However when I work late shifts I try to leave something for her to just chuck in the oven or to warm up.

    The other day she said she fancied sausages and something, so being a veg freak (she was actually a veg when we met but I soon retrained her, different story) I cut up loads of nice bits and pieces so she could have Sausages with Roasted Veg and mash. I sorted the mash so it only needed nuking for a minute or two, Sausages and Roasted Veg in a baking tray all she had to do was put it in the oven for about 30 mins. Simple, fairly nutricious can't go wrong.................................



  7. most of the £20-£40 sets will cover about half mile of field, assuming that the topology if fairly flat, not housing estates in the middle etc.

    If not as someone else has said get a radio license and then you can up the stakes a bit or there are new Digital Walkie talkies, they are great get a good mile on them easily but can't remember where i saw them.

  8. when you say you saw it happen right in front of you, what happened?


    letter o for Oscar? i take it that the 890p;lki (the keys that surround it are all ok)

    what other effects did the virus have on your PC?

    if you have tried restoring and that hasn't helped, If you are running XP, or Vista then open up device manager and at the manual input devices, un install your keyboard driver. Then reboot your machine it will automatically reload the device driver thus refreshing it. (make sure you have a usb keyboard about just in case it has a moment, but it should be fine) if this doesn't work.

    Drop the details of the computer on the thread,


    Make, Model, Operating System and if possible the driver details for the keybaord.



    Just one last thing and now you will all see what i do for a living really,


    You have tried turning it off completly and back on again?? you'd be amazed how many thing are solved from a simple power down (not a restart but full power off, wait for 20 seconds, back on)

  9. Need to go pick up a form for the wifey, she has decided that she really wants her own gun, and also thinks it would be useful for things like when i had to call my old man to go get more ammo for me, she could have gone.

    This is getting silly, My old man has had SGC FAC the works for ever, I have SGC, my brother wanted one but being useless and couldn't decide what he wanted for his Bday so i said i'd pay for his SGC, he now has one, other brother has now hinted that he wouldn't mind also. First brother has already muscled in on my permission now too, which i don't mind but a heads up would have been nice.

    They all have thier own cabinets


    I am guessing at my place unless I want a second cabinet all of my guns go on her license and any she buys go on mine too? Are the coppers normally fairly happy with a shared arrangment?

  10. not sure on the rules for FAC on SGC you must be a minimum of 50ft from the centre of the road, use google earth to find you minumum distances. In fact google earth is very useful for a few things like that.

    Other than the 50ft rule to my knowledge there isn't a problem with footpaths other than the obvious don't be shooting over peoples heads etc. You could set up on the path, i am sure someone on here commented before that they set up on a path just to make sure that they are noticed and don't surprise anyone. I have a very simmilar field with a footpath, a road and some houses.

    I am very cautious of where shot will land and have strict self imposed fields of fire. As I say though I shoot SGC not FAC I am not too sure how the rules differ. Be cautious, research and get the other guys on here to give you a hand.

  11. Try a disposable latex glove - give a pop in the end of the nose as well as 'NO'


    It's more of a distraction, rather than a discipline thing. It's worked to stop the labs jumping up, as well as a scatty collie we had for a week or so who did the same silly mouthing thing.


    Have the end sticking out of your pocket once you've started to use it - you look a right ****, but it serves as a reminder.



    Kinda ping it like an elastic band? i'll give that a try. i guess it makes more noise than anything.


    i am not being defeatist and happy to give anything a try, he is our pup and our pride and joy i just don't want people saying "oh there's that psycho Ridgeback" etc etc. Village life and all that.

  12. i think you need to instill the NO command next time he mouths grab him by the scruff of his neck push him to the floor hold him down for a few seconds and tell him NO,wont take him long to understand

    might seem harsh but it works


    Tried it, took 20minutes to get him to eventually realise he wasn't getting up until i said so, scratched to *******, sweating like i had run a mile.


    this is a pretty big dog, with endless engergy always ready for fun and games, everything just seems like a game, he is never maliscious i just don't think he realises that it isn't acceptable. but i don't seem to be able to instill it into him. I know he is adolescent at the moment and maybe that is why he is being a sod. Today he decided that he didn't need a release command once the lead came off. Basically he is forgetting everything he has learnt already, most of it i can cope with and we are going back to basics with him as we know that there are loads of hormones floating about, but the biting has to stop, and i have tried almost everything that we did in puppy training originally, everything i have seen on Dog Whisperer. Calm and asertive doesn't get his attention he just looks the other way, arghghghghghgh

    i am trying so hard not to lose my temper as i know that is just going to make things worse but sometimes I just want to shout.


    the annoying thing is, he is such a friendly dog, seriously good looking, and loves everyone. he was crate trained within a week, he hasn't really destroyed anything in the house, just one xbox headset that was left out. I don't want to have an unruley dog.




    any off the wall ideas welcome.

  13. Tried that for the last about 3 weeks it doesn't seem to be having any effect, just seems to become a game. He is so full of energy he just wants to play non stop, we give him loads of excercise mental and physical, but still he nips. I am just scared he is going to nip someone who will say he has attacked them.

  14. Hi,


    WE have got through the teething stage and we did so with very little damage to personal belongings, and the little fella had stopped biting or mouthing but he has started again. Although it doesn't hurt he is a big lad now, 6st of puppy Ridgeback nipping is fine for me or my wife but if he does it to someone elseI could end up getting in trouble.


    Any pointers on how to curb it. He mostly does it if you touch his collar, first start to stroke him. It is almost like he is so excited that he can't convey himself in any other way.


    I think i need some help on this one




  15. Sorry if i sounded peeved off, I wasn't really i wanted to make a point but it has been a long couple of weeks of nights with long busy weekends in the middle. Top Marks to Jono for making me bite, I normally wouldn't, as it is normally doing the winding up.


    Ah **** happens.

  16. aint gonna be around for much longer?:good:


    how do you work that one out, Blood pressure very good, Cadio very good, Cholestorol Levels excellent (had to do my health insurance the other week, I am not a gimp) I don't smoke. My only vice being I like a few pints of cider. So basically other than being heavy probably fitter than most. Even when I was at fighting weight with a six pack, i was still 18st.


    I am not looking to argue and I know that currently I have a belly on me (my health insurance premium shows that :oops: they unfortunately do use BMI)


    I am just saying being heavy isn't the only contributor to being unhealthy, I bet there are loads of skinny little things out there clogging thier arteries with all sorts of **** but being skinny they think they are fine and don't know it until thier heart gives up one day, or smokers etc etc.

    So taxing on BMI (which i know was a passing quip) is balls, tax ignorant parents who feed thier kids **** and let them play on xbox all day by all means, but picking on one figure that is doesn't take into account, build, muscle mass etc. Is pointless, normally I wouldn't bite but I think because it is something I am working on it I am maybe a touch sensitive at the moment.

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