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Posts posted by danccooke

  1. I am an avid shooter and a Wildlife person, my all time goal would be to see big cats wild. However the video didn't make me steam over like some.


    I love seeing predatory animals, be it raptors, cats, snakes etc etc. Maybe it is the hunter within that wishes I were that skilled. But I can also see it would be so easy to say aww the cute Kitty Cat. but i never say aw the cute little bunny or aw Bambi's been shot. If they are licensed to cull a certain number they are no different to the deer stalkers. Other than a Deer will run away from you if you cock it up and a big cat will try and take you with it.


    I think we have to look at it from that view. I don't want to see leopards shot just like many people don't want to see pigeons or rabbits shot. Who are we to complain.

    Yes the first shot was poor, however the follow up shots... I am not sure how steady I could hold a rifle with a big cat intent on killing ME was running at ME. We've heard of great shots who get stag fever when presented with a fairly easy target, times that by it running at you and going to gore you with it's antler, could you still aim straight?

  2. arrghghghghg


    It is so painful to someone fairly new to dogs to understand all the abrieviations on Dog names. It's not too bad when somoene says springer spanniel then for the rest of the post say SS I am cool with that. but when it starts with GSP and GWP and XYZ I get easily confused.


    so blokey is in Germany so I guess German, I read point so again I guess a Pointer and I also read Wirehaired,


    So German Wirehaired Pointer and German Smooth? Pointer??


    you could confuse a simple person just reading the forum to try and expand his knowledge.

  3. Cheers for the replies peoples.


    he is a lovely dog, we took three years from decided we wanted one to making sure we could look after him and we would be suitable owners for one. So it has been a long time coming. I'd love to have him out shooting with me but if it isn't to be then it isn't. The wife already has plans for agility work with him once he has finished growing.


    Just thought I would ask to see whats about. As for being pinned by anything he is bold as brass at the moment. unless someone comes in the backdoor he hasn't noticed he barks and hides behind the Sofa.


    Attached is a pic of him the day after we got him, he is seven weeks on there.


  4. Ok I have a gorgeous puppy getting bigger all the time.


    He is a little Rhodesian Ridgeback called Zak. Currently 4 months old and already 20Kg.


    Looks like we are heading into teething and adolecents too.


    but the question, Will i be able to train him to sit with me and retrieve pigeons? I know most dogs can be trained to do most things given the time and patients but does anyone else know of or have a gun dog trained Rhodesian??





  5. Nice one,


    I was so nervous when I spoke to the farmer that gave me permission. Am I the only one???

    I give presentations to top MOD officials. I've represented Great Britain at Kickboxing and yet when I spoke to the farmer and stumbled my words and thought, god if i was the farmer i would be thinking errrrr no i think not.

  6. Thanks for that.

    I searched about the BASC site and couldn't find anything pertaining to that particular problem.

    It has also been a long week and my mind has gone walkies and I am stuck in the office all weekend. Grrrrr.

    Training course in the City Monday to Wednesday, Hopefully in the field Thursday.


    It is so annoying driving to work past this particular field and seeing massive flocks lifting out of the Rape with the knowledge that you are going to be staring at a screen for the next 8 to 12 hours.


    Thanks again though.

  7. Hi guys,


    On my new permission one of the fields has a footpath running across it.

    The field is about 600 meters square(ish) roads on two sides. with about a 50ft verge before hedgerow and field which is good. But I am concerned about the path. Legally from what I can read I only need make sure I am no closer than 50ft from it when shooting but obviously I don't want to be shooting people. Can I legally shoot over it as long as no one is on it, near it, thinking of maybe walking on it one day, or is that just a boundary effectively splitting the field into two smaller ones?

    Please don't flame me as I am a new to pigeon shooting and I am asking before acting to make sure I don't screw anything up for myself or the general shooting masses.


    I ask because it is being decimated at he moment and I could do with being in that field.


    Sorry if it seems a silly question.

  8. we have a 16 week old Rhodesian Ridgeback(Zak), and a 2 year old Royal Python(Borris).


    I have been loathed to let them meet, The python alothough couldn't eat Zak could do him some serious harm if he managed to coil him, and likewise claws and teeth on Zak would see to Borris.


    The question do I use Borris to train Zak that snakes are bad? Borris is very placid and has never even attempted to bite anyone, I don't think I want to run the risk of scareing him into not trusting me. Likewise I don't want Zak having a change to get his teeth into Borris. Zak appears to have no fear at all.


    I am in the UK and I have seen Adders in my area over the last couple of years, normally I would follow and try and Photograph. hmmmmm interesting conundrum

  9. Blew a hole in it, shot out of the sky..... I see a conflict there, surely if it had a massive hole in it it was as said before very close not airborn. Also it "felled another but it was unhurt" ??? I am confused. Perhaps it landed next to it's mate who was clearly ********. Who knows it is wrong and it shouldn't have happened and you can almost garauntee that something like this would be done but someone without proper licensing but the sensationalisation from the press is just as offensive as the offence itself.


  10. One letter of permission firmly in my hand, marvelous. covers two farms. time to get kit buying. I didn't want to spend a fortune on stuff for it to sit doing nothing if i couldn't get any land.


    To answer Paul, I am from West Sussex.


    I am so chuffed, I haven't been rough shooting for years and years and that was in the Channel Islands. Time to brush up skills and tactics. Don't want to look like a complete noob ???

  11. Hi,


    Just a thought i should drop a note to say hi. I am new to the forum.

    I've been shooting for years but am just moving (or trying) into Pigeon shooting. I am currently waiting on a letter of permission I hope. I dropped in on a farm and had a chat to the Farmer. He gave me a registration form which I took back. Hoping all is in order and he will say yes to me helping. If not well, there are lots more farms to try. Would be nice to get 1 from 1 though.



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